
How To Put An App On Google Play

Smartphones are among the most essential gadgets for users. Over 60% of people sleep with their phones by their side and check it first thing in the morning. Considering the romance between users and their mobile phones, startups and entrepreneurs have successfully cashed the opportunity by developing apps for almost everything. Almost all businesses, including retail stores, have mobile apps to keep their audience engaged. Chances are that by now, you too are planning to launch your mobile app. And what better platform to reach billions of users than the Google Play Store.

If you are wondering how to submit an app to Google Play Store, then this is the guide you were looking for!

How to Upload App on Google Play Store?

This guide will make it easier for businesses to upload an app to Google Play Store. Let's get started!

Step 1: Make a Developer Account

Step 2: Create a Google Wallet Merchant and Link it to Your Developer Account

Step 3: Upload the App on Play Store

Step 4: Upload the Android Package Kit

Step 5: Prepare Store Listing

Step 6: Add Content Rating

Step 7: Choose a Pricing and Distribution Model

Step 8:Step 8: Publish Your App

Step 1: Make a Developer Account

make-a-developer-account-on-play-storeA developer account is required to upload an app on the Google Play Store, and the process is more straightforward than it seems. The account is created in four simple steps:

with Your Google Account

Accept Developer Agreement

Pay Registration Fee of $25.

Complete Your Account Details

Step 2: Create a Google Wallet Merchant and Link it to Your Developer Account


A merchant account is required to receive payments made by users to either download the app or for in-app purchases. All the payments will be received in the merchant account. And creating one isn't much of a trouble.

Follow these steps to create a Google Wallet Merchant before you add an app to Google Play Store:

Sign in with your developer account.

Go to the menu and click on Reports.

Select Financial Reports.

Click on Set Up a Merchant Account Now

Add your business details.

Click on Submit.

The merchant account will be linked to your developer account.

Step 3: Upload the App on Play Store

After registering the merchant account, you can now upload the app on Play Store. Often entrepreneurs and startups fear uploading an app on Google Play Store. Continue reading, and you'll know it isn't difficult.

Here is what to do:

From the menu, select All Applications.

Click on Add a New Application.

Choose the default language from the drop-down menu.

Add the title of your app of not more than 30 characters.

At this point, you have two options to proceed with uploading your app on Google Play Store. You can either Upload APK or Prepare Store Listing.

Step 4: Upload the Android Package Kit

Upload-the-Android-Package-KitThe APK or Android Package Kit is a file format for Android that stores, distributes, and installs apps on Android devices. The APK can be uploaded by either dragging and dropping it into the box or by browsing and navigating.

Here is how to go about it:

From the menu, click on Release Management.

Select App Releases.

Choose the type of release for the first release from an internal test, closed test, open test, or production release.

Tap on Create Release.

Follow the instruction to upload the APK files.

If you are planning to test your app among certain users, then select from an internal test, closed test, or open test. If you are ready to introduce your app to the mass audience, then choose production release. However, it is recommended to thoroughly test the app with a smaller audience before a massive launch.

Step 5: Prepare Store Listing

prepare-store-listingIn this step, you are required to fill in information about your app to upload your app on Play Store. You can either complete the information in one-go or save a draft and come back later to complete it. Also, I recommend that you consult with your marketing and branding team for this step, to create just the right app profile that your business needs.

Here is what you need to go:

Add an app title (up to 50 characters), a short description (up to 80 characters), and a full description (up to 4000 characters).

Add app screenshots, images, icons, videos, and other graphic content.

Add translation of your app in other languages. You can either purchase translations or add your own translated version.

Categorize your app into a relevant type and category.

Add your contact details so users can contact you. It is mandatory to include an email address, but you can also add your phone number and website.

Add a link to your Privacy Policy if you wish to access sensitive data. The privacy policy must clearly indicate the use of data collected from users.

The information you enter will create a persona of the app in the users' minds. It will help them decide whether they want to download the app or not, so be careful!

Step 6: Add Content Rating

Add-Content-Rating-in-play-storeThere are high chances that the app will be removed from the Google Play Store if it isn't rated. Select the app in the Play Console and click on Store Presence from the menu. The rating helps in attracting the relevant audience to the app. However, ensure that you give accurate information and correct rating.

Not only will a false rating misguide the users but may also get the app suspended or removed from the Google Play Store.

Step 7: Choose a Pricing and Distribution Model


We are now moving towards the last few steps of uploading an app on the Play Store. You can choose your app to be either Paid or Free. Google Play Store lets you change from a paid app to a free one later but not from a free app to a paid one. So, be careful when choosing your pricing model.

Once done, choose the countries you want your app to be distributed in. You can either select all countries or mark specific countries for your app distribution. You can also choose specific Android programs and devices for your app.

Step 8: Publish Your App

Publish-Your-App-in-google-play-storeGo back and ensure that you have completed all the steps before you finally hit Publish Your App. You will be informed of any warnings, missed information, or other errors that may be a hindrance. Review, review, and review before going ahead.

The app will be published in all the countries you selected.

Get Your Android Apps Trending!

The journey does not stop at publishing. There are over 2.9 million apps on the Google Play Store and your app requires an active marketing strategy to pop up for users.

Remember that running an app is not a one-time job. It requires continuous efforts to make it a success, or competition will overshadow the app.

Let's discuss your mobile app strategies. Our experts will help you in making it a success!

How To Put An App On Google Play


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