
What Kind Of Android Apps Exist For The Blind

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Android 21 (人造人間21号 , Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō ) is an Android who appears as the main antagonist of Dragon Ball FighterZ when in her evil persona. Her intellect rivals that of Dr. Gero,[3] though she may be even smarter than he was.[4]


  • 1 Concept and creation
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Biography
    • 4.1 Background
  • 5 Other Dragon Ball stories
    • 5.1 Kakarot
    • 5.2 FighterZ
    • 5.3 World Mission
  • 6 Power
  • 7 Abilities
  • 8 Video Game Appearances
  • 9 Voice Actors
  • 10 List of characters killed by Android 21
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 Gallery
  • 13 References
  • 14 Site Navigation

Concept and creation

Android 21 was designed by Akira Toriyama.[5]


Toriyama's art of Android 21 without her lab coat

Android 21 is described as a tall, curvaceous scientist with glasses and long bushy auburn hair. She has a gold ring on her left middle finger, and black nails. She wears a pair of hoop earrings, a sleeveless, blue and red short dress with opaque black tights, black arm sleeves, and blue and red heel boots. Her eyes are similar to that of Dr. Gero's Androids, such as Android 18.

In her true form, Android 21 keeps her curvy body, her skin turns pink, her hair becomes a paler shade of pink, her ears become pointed, her eyes changing depending on if her evil half takes over, and she gains a tail. Her attire changes to a black tube top, keeping the black arm sleeves, and also gaining white baggy pants. It's noted that she most resembles a Majin in this form.

Her appearance in her true form is the result of her having all of the traits of the Z Fighters, Frieza, Cell and Majin Buu rolled into one.

Android 21 reveals in a private talk with the player that while she may have the appearance of an adult, she is actually less than ten years old, and regrets not having an adolescence, finding it awkward when small children call her "ma'am".


Due to her biology, Android 21 has a natural, compulsive instinct to feed (which grew out of control due to cells in her body going berserk). Like Majin Buu, she prefers sweets and confectioneries, her favorite being macarons. However, she has no control over her hunger and constantly fights to keep herself from turning others into treats and devouring them.

Her hunger is so great and painful that it has led to Android 21's psyche being damaged and manifesting a split personality. The longer she goes without feeding, the more the evil side of her gains control. When her true persona is in control she acts like a kind and motherly woman who was concerned about Android 18 and agreed to help her. When her evil persona is in control, however, she becomes a sadistic and power-hungry sociopath, wanting to "devour" all the powerful fighters, drawing to the point of near insanity. Her gluttonous lust for "devouring" powerful fighters is similar to the traits of the Majins, inherited when Buu's cells were added to her. Her good side is friendly towards Good Buu presumably due to their shared biology and love of sweets.

Her personalities were later transferred to her two halves after her good self-managed to use fission as a result of the emotional turmoil caused by the death of her adoptive son, Android 16 who was killed by her evil side as a result of her losing control.

Android 21 Transformed

Though Android 21's good side is aware of the fact that her human template was the mother of Android 16's template which causes her to develop mother-like affection for him, she admits she has little to no memory of her former life as a human, though she enjoys thinking about what her template's name and life might have been like. She is also apparently unaware that Dr. Gero was the father of Android 16's template or of his relationship with her human template. During one of her conversations with the player, she notes that her creator while not a good person was a brilliant scientist and admits she would like to know the reason she was created, though admits that he might not answer her questions or that if he did she might not want to know the truth. Interestingly, she never mentions Dr. Gero's name directly though it is obvious he is the one she is referring to. Presumably, her knowledge of him either comes from what little memories she possesses and what she has been able to learn through research of herself and Android 16.

In contrast, her evil side cares nothing for Android 16 and believes that Androids have no use for things like family and loved ones as she orders Android 18 to attack her husband Krillin. Additionally, she only values Dr. Gero for his labs and research. Though she is focused primarily on feeding, the evil side of Android 21's personality does not dismiss the concept of seeking galactic conquest, although that goal remains secondary to satisfying her hunger. Unlike her good side, the evil 21 cares only about herself and possesses a selfish bratty personality. Like Cell, her power causes her to view other beings as beneath her; though additionally, she dismisses all other beings as little more than food to make her stronger. She is responsible for creating evil clones of the Z Fighters as well as Nappa, the Ginyu Force, Frieza, Cell (all of whom she resurrected with the Namekian Dragon Balls), and Kid Buu, they exist only as a source of food to sustain her and her hunger, despite finding their taste to be unsatisfactory. She only allows the Z Fighters, resurrected villains, and Androids to survive and grow stronger in order to further her goal of consuming them. However, she was angered when Z Fighters and the villains led by Frieza and Cell started hunting the clones to deny 21 of her food supply, causing her to seek them out in a blind rage driven by her hunger.

After separating from her good half, the evil 21 mocked her good half's refusal to feed on others to increase her power and was certain that she was a hypocrite who would eventually give into her hunger and feed on her allies. However, the good 21 was able to link with the human soul that had been linked to Android 18 which allowed her to maintain control over herself and oppose her evil half without succumbing to her hunger. Still, the good 21 feared she would one day lose control, and thus decided to sacrifice herself to stop her evil half as well as prevent herself from losing control and hurting her newfound friends. Whis and Beerus noted that in time the good 21 would have succumbed to the hunger, so her sacrifice was ultimately for the greater good. However, it is unclear if the good 21 could have overcome her hunger permanently, though she may not have wanted to take the risk of losing control of herself. The self-sacrificing aspect of the good 21's personality fittingly resembles that of her adoptive son, Android 16.

In Kakarot, the Female Researcher has a personality much like her original self and Android 21 (Good) though with no signs of mental instability or insatiable hungry. This allows her to maintain employment at the Capsule Corporation as a scientist researcher. While usually tasked with overseeing the Gravity Chamber and its holographic training, she can occasionally be found doing field work such as searching for materials at the small village in the Central Plains Area, and doing a field survey for Dr. Brief at Raditz's Landing Site in the East Ravine Area. She also visits Grandpa Gohan's House in the Southeast Mountains Area noting that it is unfortunate he no longer lives there, wishing she could have met the legendary martial artist, or investigating tales of the hermit living atop Korin Tower in the Sacred Land of Korin. She is also shown to be aware of the Z Fighters due to her role overseeing the Gravity Chamber.



Android 21's backstory varies and it seems she herself does not know the truth.

In one instance she claims she was initially a Human-type Earthling, converted by Doctor Gero into an Android. As a human, she had a son with Dr. Gero who became the model for the design of Android 16.

In another instance 21 notes that she is a new type of Bio-Android - superior to Cell - built in the image of a human female with the IQ of an adult, though she is not even ten years old - making her feel as though she missed out on her adolescence.

Over time, the cells of numerous powerful warriors and intelligent researchers were added to her, with even the likes of Buu's cells being added to her. She states she has no memory of her apparent life as a human and often found it fun to imagine what her original name was and what her life was like. She did not know why Gero created her as a unique new type of Android different from the mecha-types (like 16) and the modified humans (like 17 and 18). Her good side did not know much about her creator (only referring to him as "the scientist") though she knew he was an evil person with great intelligence, though discussing him for some reason made her feel like crying; on the other hand, her evil side knew about Gero to an extent yet cared little for him or the Android built in her son's image, though this is likely due to her views that Androids have no need for loved ones and family.

At some point, 21 recalled the memory of her - or her template - having a son. When she realized that she wanted so badly to see him and have him by her side, she repaired Android 16 (the android whose design was modeled after her son) later on and explained that she wanted to treat him like family. Android 21 is apparently unaware that Dr. Gero was the father of her apparent human self's son and thus the exact nature of Dr. Gero's relationship with her apparent human self is unknown beyond the fact that they were the parents of 16's human template. When 21's urges resurfaced, she activated the link system to use its functions to keep herself under control, by suppressing her growing need to feed, and the persona that spawned from it. Eventually, this led them to seek out Android 18 and Android 17 separately, with the system activated, in hopes they would be able to successfully link them with another soul.

According to Android 16, at some point, the cells in 21 may have gone berserk, which resulted in her uncontrollable urges to feed. It is likely that Majin Buu's cells may have been responsible. Additionally, Android 21's hunger may be a result of her unique combination of Majin and Saiyan cells, as both Saiyans and Majins are known to have large appetites. Her evil persona may have also been influenced by the combination of cells she acquired from Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu as her evil side is known to be cold-hearted like Frieza and Cell while showing signs of madness similar to Kid Buu. The evil 21 does not dismiss the idea of galactic conquest which may also be influenced by Frieza's cells.

It should be noted that her evil personality's activation of the Wave Machine caused her original personality to regain control only occurs in the timeline of the Android 21 Arc, as her evil personality in control and uses her original personality as a hostage to force Android 16 to serve her, though he rebels by linking a human soul to Goku in the timeline of the Super Warrior Arc, while it accidentally ends up linking with Frieza in the timeline of the Enemy Warrior Arc. In the timeline of the Android 21 Arc, her original personality works with Android 16 to find a way to suppress her evil side and hunger.

Other Dragon Ball stories


Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot The woman who Android 21 was either based off, or formerly was, appears in Kakarot under the name "Female Researcher".

Dr. Brief introducing Vegeta to the Female Researcher in Kakarot

During Vegeta's training to become a Super Saiyan, Dr. Brief introduces him to his newest employee - the Female Researcher - when showing him the upgrades made to the Training Room. The Female Researcher explains to Vegeta how the new training room works. Later after working with Bulma on the Ginyu Force space pod that Goku had returned to Earth in, the Female Researcher calls Goku at the behest of Bulma to inform him that the battle data of Bonyu was retrieved from the pod and could be fought at any time in the training room. She is also able to extract data on the rest of the Ginyu Force from the space pod in addition to Bonyu's data. If provided with the right materials, she can modify and upgrade the training room in a variety of ways such as improving its durability and holographic AI granting the Z Fighters access to more training options. Completing normal training unlocks various Know-how (abilities which grant beneficial effects such recovering HP when Surge or automatically transforming after entering battle) for player controlled Z Fighters (Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Future Trunks, etc). She can usually be found in the Capsule Corporation's laboratory.


Super Warrior Arc

Main article: Super Warrior Arc When giving a false history to Goku and Krillin, she claimed that she was a researcher employed by the Red Ribbon Army who deserted with Android 18's help and Android 18 was injured protecting her from Cell, only to be saved by Goku and Krillin whom she tells a false backstory to avoid fighting them. Her true colors are later revealed when the Dragon Team defeat Android 16 who is revealed to have linked a human soul to Goku against Android 21's wishes causing her to transform into her true form and destroy him with an Absolute Release Ball. Goku tries to chase after her but she blasts him out of the sky causing the soul linked with him to accidentally become linked with Cell who Android 21 finds and battles with. Cell is no match for her and is forced to retreat using a Solar Flare. Cell collapses from his injuries and the soul returns to Goku. The she later consumes the revived villains Nappa, Ginyu Force, Frieza, and Cell before turning her attention to the Dragon Team. To avoid destroying Earth, Goku teleports the team to the Sacred World of the Kai where she confronts the Dragon Team. Like Kid Buu, she is ultimately defeated by Goku's Super Spirit Bomb. However questions regarding her and Android 16 remain.

The events of this arc are seemingly stopped from happening when the spirit travels back to the start of the events to possess someone else and find out more about the truth at Whis' suggestion.

This story arc was also adapted into a Story Event in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle as part of a crossover event with FighterZ with the player being able to acquire the Conflicting Mind Android #21 card which can be Transcended Dokkan Awakened into Good Versus Evil Android #21 (Transformed, Good) card using Awakening Medals acquired from the same story event. Some parts of the arc are omitted or changed such as the human soul linked to Goku sharing the name of the unseen protagonist from Quest Mode and Gohan being rescued before the confrontation with Android 16 at 21's lab which is left up to the player in FighterZ. However Android 21's role is virtually the same with her being killed by Goku's Super Spirit Bomb.

Enemy Warrior Arc

Main article: Enemy Warrior Arc Android 21 and Android 16 travel to New Namek and use the Namekian Dragon Balls to summon Porunga having him revive Frieza, Cell, Nappa, and Ginyu Force. Taking the revived villains back to Earth, 21 clones them before linking artificial souls to Cell, Nappa, the Ginyu Force, Android 17, and Android 18 allowing her to control them. She eventually discovers 16 had inadvertently linked a human soul to Frieza (his original candidate being Goku like in the Super Warrior Arc) who works with the soul to free himself of it freeing Nappa and the Ginyu Force by defeating them and using them to reform a resurgent Frieza Force. Android 21 sends 18 to eliminate the villains but 18 is defeated and freed. 21 confronts the villains and notes that she does not dismiss the idea of seeking galactic conquest before they discover it was a set up to trick Krillin and Goku in believing 18 had been injured protecting her with 21 escaping while the two factions were occupied. After defeating Goku and Krillin, Frieza and Cell realize 21 left and inform Goku and Krillin they had been tricked. 21 decides to punish 16 for betraying her sending him to kill her enemies. However, she knew he would be defeated and after transforming into her true form, 21 feigns helplessness causing 16 to shield 21 from Frieza and Cell's attacks her only for her to cruelly destroy him herself. Eventually, 21 is furious at the loss of her clones forcing her to resort to consuming the originals, the result of a plan devised by Frieza to force her to confront her enemies. She is then destroyed by Goku, Frieza, and Cell with a combined energy wave after using Bulma's machine at maximum output regain enough power. Following her death, the soul leaves Frieza who along with his minions and ally Cell end their truce with the Dragon Team though the result of said confrontation is not shown.

The events of this arc are seemingly stopped from happening when the spirit travels back to the start of the events to possess someone else and find out more about the truth.

Android 21 Arc

Main article: Android 21 Arc Android 21 appears right after the linking process of Android 18 and another soul succeeded. Surprised at the results, she came in and introduced herself as 21 and told the soul inside 18 about its current status and the current situation at hand, about how the Clones created by the Red Ribbon Army are running amok and destroying the Earth. 21 also tells the soul to communicate to 18. After this, 21 gives them the clothes 18 wore while serving Gero. While reluctant at first, 18 accepts and 16, 21, 18, as well as Android 17, travel to defeat the clones.

As time progresses however, 21 begins to lose more control over herself, and eventually when Krillin comes in to save 18, 21 lashes out and tries to feed on Krillin. Luckily, the group subdued her with the help of the soul inside 18. Though a mysterious entity inside 21 tells the soul that, eventually, 21 will give in. They then proceed to defeating more clones, with the soul now interacting more with 21. During these times, 21 would reveal some things about herself, and the soul would encourage her to continue fighting to keep her urges away. However, as the entity promised, 21 began to lose control of her lust to feed once more. When the group encountered Cell, who had been restored to his full power due to linking with an artificial soul and bending it to his will, 21 transforms to her true form and fights Cell alongside 18 and 17, much to 16's chagrin. After the fight, 21 finally gives in to her urges and tries to eat Cell. While the soul tried to link back in with her, the entity inside 21 rejected it. Having no other option, 16 tries to stop her, resulting in his death at her hand. 21, now devastated that she killed the android modeled after her son, screams in disbelief and sorrow, finally pushing out the entity that had given her nothing but fear for so long.

It is later revealed in a conversation between her good and evil halves at the lab where the Wave Machine remote is located that it was her evil personality activating the Wave Machine which caused her original personality to resurface and regain control over their body due to the waves weakening her evil half.

World Mission

Main article: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission

Android 21 Saga

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, in the Arcade Mode Universe Mission Age Android 21 Saga: Activation has the player use the Link System to link their Avatar to either Goku or Frieza in an adaption of the Super Warrior and Enemy Warrior Arcs. Eventually Goku or Frieza confront Android 21 (Normal) and two Clones. Goku faces her in a Boss Mission after defeating New Model 16 while Frieza faces her in a Super Boss Mission after defeating a Clone of himself, Cell, and Kid Buu. In both missions, Android 21 cannot be captured using a Hero Robo Capture Module thus cannot be turned into a Summon Module however the Clones accompanying her can.


Video games

Being created from the cells of countless warriors and scientists, Android 21 is one of the most powerful Androids in the series and the most powerful female Android created through Dr. Gero's research. Like Majin Buu and Cell, she can increase her power by absorbing other life forms, which she does by turning them into sweets and eating them increasing her power.

In the Super Warrior Arc, she is able to easily defeat Cell without even using half of her power. When inhibited by the waves she is able to easily defeat Nappa, the Ginyu Force and final form Frieza (who are all also inhibited by the waves). After absorbing Nappa, Cell, the Ginyu Force, and Frieza, she is defeated by the combined might of Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks, and Good Buu. Vegeta states that if he had access to his full power, he would have been able to defeat 21 alone.

In the Enemy Warrior Arc, even while inhibited by the waves, her powering up in her base form is enough to shock Krillin. Even after having absorbed many clones, she is annihilated by the combined attack of Final Form Frieza, Super Saiyan Goku, and Perfect Cell when their full powers were reawakened by Bulma overriding the suppression waves.

In the Android 21 Arc, when inhibited by the waves, teamed up with Androids 17, 18, and 16, 21 is able to defeat Cell - even after he has drastically powered up by using the artificial soul he has been implanted with.

Android 16 describes her as having more potential than Cell ever had and being far stronger than him. He states she can endlessly power herself up by feeding on other creatures and that her urge to feed is her most dangerous quality.

In opening dialogue when facing Android 18 in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, base Android 21 refers to 18 as being stronger than her, but says she will surpass her.

Statements by guidebooks and authors

She can compete with the series' strongest fighters.[4]


  • Flight - The ability to fly using ki.
  • Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy attack.
  • Tail Attack - In her true form, Android 21 can attack enemies with her tail as part of certain combos. She can also thrust her tail into the ground, then have it erupt from the ground to deliver a surprise attack, taking advantage of her ability to extend her tail which can presumably be attributed to either her Frieza Race, Namekian, and Majin cells or a combination of all three.
  • Hungry Beam - A move Android 21 uses to turn people into food.
    • Sweet Tooth - One of Android 21's Meteor Attack (Level 3 Super), which is said to work like Majin Buu's though is fired as a finger beam like Majuub's version. Android 21 turns the opponent into a dessert (such as a donut, macaroon, or cupcake) and then takes a bite out of the opponent, regaining some health. If this attack finishes the enemy off, she eats the opponent completely.
    • Absorption - In all scenarios, she absorbs many clones. In the Super Warrior Arc she absorbs Nappa, Cell, the Ginyu Force and finally Frieza. Like Cell and Majin Buu, this makes her more powerful. Android 21's absorption resembles a combination of Majin Buu's Candy Beam and Cell's absorption ability as she can increase her power by turning others into food and eating them.

Android 21 performing Connoisseur Cut in FighterZ

Android 21 performing Savory Slicer on the Future Warrior in Xenoverse 2

  • Connoisseur Cut - A move that lets Android 21 absorb an opponents energy and use up to four of her opponents moves. There is a pool of eight moves she can copy with their availability depending on the enemy she took ki from. Notably, ki attacks copied with this move are red and black in color.
    • Savory Slicer - A two-handed Connoisseur Cut variant where she forms Ki blades from both hands and spins towards the opponent with the blades preventing weak Ki Blasts from hitting her as she charges forward. One of Android 21's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC.
    • Solar Flare - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. It is functionally identical to Krillin's version but can be used in the air. Obtained from enemies somewhat connected to Goku.
    • Kamehameha - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. Obtained from enemies somewhat connected to Goku.
    • Homing Energy Blast - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. It is similar to Piccolo's version, but she can only conjure a single orb at a time. Obtained from alien or godly enemies.
    • Ki Blast Rush - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. A series of rapid-fire blasts. Obtained from enemies connected to Vegeta.
    • Sticky Energy Blast - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. It is a command grab where she throws the opponent across the arena. Obtained from enemies connected to Vegeta.
    • Barrier Sphere - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. Obtained from enemies connected to androids.
    • Explosive Energy Blast - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. it is a pair of energy blast fired at the ground. Obtained from enemies connected to the Androids.
    • Instant Transmission - One of the moves Android 21 can use after using Connoisseur Cut. Also used to teleport Android 21 to the Sacred World of the Kai. Obtained from alien or godly enemies. In the Super Warriors Arc, Android 21 learns it via mimicry after seeing it being used by Goku to travel to the Sacred World of the Kais.
  • Hors d'Oeuvre Stab - Android 21 flies down towards the opponent from the air and strikes them into the ground.
  • Total Detonation Ball - Android 21 launches a ball of ki that flies across the screen and explodes on impact. The heavy version of this move will discard all her acquired moves in exchange for extra power.
    • Total Evasion - A variation of Total Detonation Ball where Android 21 uses Rapid Movement to evade, before retaliating with a Total Detonation Ball. Android 21's Evasive Skill in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC.
    • Absolute Release Ball - A bigger version of Total Detonation Ball, used by Android 21 to destroy Android 16. It is normal Android 21's super attack in Dragon Ball Heroes. In Dokkan Battle, it is used by Android 21 in her human form as her Super Attack, though with her good personality in control of her body.

Android 21 firing her Photon Swipe variation of Photon Wave in Dragon Ball FighterZ

  • Photon Swipe - A move where Android 21 produces a Death Beam-like Photon Wave that explodes where it hits along the ground. It was named in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC, while it appears under the name Photon Wave in FighterZ & Dragon Ball Legends.
  • Excellent Full Course - Android 21's other Level 3 Super, where she flies into the opponent, hitting them with a flurry of dash attacks, before striking them to the ground and fires a ki blast from on top of them.
    • Appetizing Rush - One of her Ultimate Skills in Xenoverse 2 from Ultra Pack 2 DLC.
  • Majin Kamehameha - Due to possessing Majin Buu's cells, Android 21 can utilize this imitation of the Kamehameha used by members of the Majin Demon Clan. One of Super Skills used by Android 21 (ironically in her normal human form instead of her Majin-like Transformed state) in Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC.
  • Survivability - Thanks to possessing cells from Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu, Android 21 possess great survivability and endurance.
  • Regeneration - Thanks to possessing cells from Piccolo, Cell, Kid Buu and Good Buu, Android 21 possess one of the greatest regenerative capabilities in the series.
  • Fission - After destroying Android 16 in the Android 21 Arc, Android 21 releases her evil hunger persona as a separate entity. This ability was apparently inherited from her Majin cells instead of her Namekian Cells, as the good and evil halves are not life linked as revealed the good half reveals during a special conversation with Piccolo and Tien.

Android 21 art for Dragon Ball Legends

A form representing Android 21's original human self. In this form, she appears as a voluptuous attractive woman with auburn hair, wears glasses, a blue and red dress with black sleeves and a lab coat with a Red Ribbon Army logo, and blue and red heels. She has blue eyes and wears a pair of gold hoop earrings. It is unclear if 21 can revert to this form after transforming into her true form. In Dokkan Battle, this form is playable under the name Android #21 (Normal) and features her good personality in control.

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, she appears in this form as a Boss and Super Boss in the Arcade Mode Universe Mission Age Android 21 Saga: Activation. She cannot be captured with Hero Robo Capture Modules. However the form has several playable cards which can be acquired from certain Gacha Shop card sets. Depending upon the card, her human form can be played with or without her lab coat.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, her normal form is playable via the Ultra Pack 2 DLC.

In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the woman who was her template, or her original self, appears as a unnamed new Capsule Corporation employee known only by her in-game moniker Female Researcher as her actual name is unrevealed.


Main article: Supervillain In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 as part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC, Android 21 is empowered by the Supervillain spell during a Parallel Quest. In this state, her hunger and evil persona take hold though besides her glowing eyes and black/white aura, she retains her normal human appearance.


Transformed Android 21

Android 21 is able to transform into a form that resembles a Majin in body color and attire, though she also possesses white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and a tail similar to final form Frieza. In this state her evil side remains in control, she has red eyes and black sclera and having pink-white hair. This state is referred to as Transformed in Dragon Ball Heroes and Dokkan Battle, though many characters in FighterZ refer to it as her "true form".

Transformed, Good

Toriyama art of Transformed Android 21 (Good)

Android 21 is able to transform into a form that resembles a Majin in body color and attire, though she also possesses white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and a tail similar to final form Frieza. Depending on which side of her personality is dominant at the moment, her eyes in this form will vary. In this good state she retains her blue eyes and white sclera with her hair completely white. This state is referred to as Transformed, Good in Dokkan Battle.

Transformed, Evil

Evil Android 21 art for Dragon Ball Legends

In Dragon Ball Legends Android 21 can transform from her Transformed state into the form her evil side obtained when she absorbed Cell.

Android 21 (Good)

Main article: Android 21 (Good) Android 21 (Good) is the result of Android 21 after releasing her evil hunger persona. While strong, She is considerably weaker than her evil half, which took most of her power. This side of Android 21 is not only noticeably kind and caring, but extremely resentful and apologetic, and while weaker than her evil side in power, she was willing to grow stronger in order to fight against her evil self, siding with the Z Warriors in the process. While weaker than her evil self, after getting stronger by battling many foes she was capable of holding her off long enough for Goku to charge up a Spirit Bomb, though ultimately choose to die with her evil half to prevent her hunger from hurting her newfound friends as it had Android 16.

Android 21 (Evil)

Main article: Android 21 (Evil)

Android 21 (Evil) is the evil half of Android 21's fission, and the much more powerful one, having absorbed most of her power. After absorbing Cell she transforms into a more powerful state, and in this state, she was capable of holding back Goku's fully powered Spirit Bomb after absorbing many clones. However, she was ultimately destroyed by said Spirit Bomb as a result of her good half sacrificing herself.

  • Power Suppression Wave Machine - Android 21 has access to Dr. Gero's power suppressing wave machine which she can activate and deactivate via remote which suppresses the power of anyone with a high power level provided they are not linked with a soul (natural or artificial) or divine being such as an Angel, God of Destruction, or Core Person (mortal God-like Saiyans will still be effected as they are mortals who have acquired divine power as both Goku and Vegeta were effected).
    • Wave Machine Remote - Use by Android 21 to activate the Power Suppression Wave Machine, which weakens her evil personality's control allowing her original personality to regain control during the Android 21 Arc. The remote itself is eventually consumed and absorbed by Android 21 (Evil) after her fission & absorption of Cell to prevent Android 21 (Good) and her allies from using it to shut down the device.
  • Soul Link System - Android 21 has access to Dr. Gero's Soul Linking technology which allows natural or artificial souls to be linked to another person, allowing them to possess and control them.
  • Buu-gi - in her transformed states, Android 21 wears Majin style pants similar to those worn by Majin Buu though without the "M" mark on the belt and she wears a pair of black & gold high heels. Like some female Majin, she wears a tube top to cover her breasts and a matching pair of black gauntlets with a single strap that wrapped around her middle finger.
  • Cloning Technology - Android 21 has access to advanced cloning technology developed by Dr. Gero, allowing her to create clones of unfused fighters like Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 3), Vegeta (Super Saiyan), Gohan (Super Saiyan/Potential Unleashed), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan), Nappa, the entire Ginyu Force, & Frieza (Final Form), Cell (Perfect/Super Perfect). Though a majority of the clones are mindless copies that only know how to fight like the originals, her attempts to clone Majin Buu result in the creation of "heartless" Pure Majin Clone Buus that are essentially incarnations of Kid Buu as they inherit his unpredictable evil personality and mannerisms which is implied to be due to Majin cells being beyond the understanding of mortal science due to their inherently magical properties which is implied to be responsible for Android 21's insatiable hunger and mental instability. However the clones provide a means for her evil side to temporarily satisfy and manage her hunger by using them as a readily available food supply, though this makes them somewhat of an Achilles' Heel as eliminating them causes her to become more mentally unstable. Additionally while they make a convenient food source, their artificial nature means that they do not taste as good as the originals as Android 21 & her evil fission both comment that their taste leaves much to be desired (though their taste is apparently passable when compared to something completely inedible like Wave Machine Remote).
  • Hovercar - In Kakarot, the Female Researcher owns a red plane-like hovercar made by the Capsule Corporation which she uses to travel to various locations usually to do field research. The hovercar can be seen parked near the location she is currently visiting.

Video Game Appearances

UM2-060 Android 21 (Normal) card in Dragon Ball Heroes

  • Dragon Ball FighterZ
  • Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Ultra Pack 2 DLC)
  • Dragon Ball Legends
  • Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
  • Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Android 21 appears in Dragon Ball Heroes, where her human form was added as a playable character in Universe Mission 2. The promotional UMP-15 card allows her to be played with her labcoat removed. Her transformed state was added as a boss in the Android 21 Saga: Activation in the same mission, and became playable in Universe Mission 3.

Android 21 also appeared in the Challenge Mission Let's Confess to Android 21, Idol of Private Heroes Academy! (私立ヒーローズ学園のアイドル、人造人間21号に告白しよう! , Let's Confess to Android 21, Idol of Private Heroes Academy! ), which changed the setting to a typical Japanese high school. The player had to successfully confess their love to Android 21, after defeating their rivals to increase the chance of her accepting the player's confession.

Android 21 charging her Photon Swipe Super Skill as Majuub charges his Lightning Impact Ultimate Skill in Xenoverse 2

Her clothes are available in Xenoverse 2 for Japan-only players who own both it and FighterZ. As part of the Ultra Pack 2 DLC, Android 21 is now a playable character in Xenoverse 2. Her clothing was later made available world wide as part of an event that occurred over December 21, 2019 - December 25, 2019.

In Dokkan Battle, she is playable in both her human form, with her original good personality in control, and in her transformed state, which can absorb Cell to become Evil Android 21.

21 appears in Dragon Ball Legends as a free unit, available from an in-game event. Her transformed state was added as a card at the same time, that can transform into her evil side's form. However this character also represents her evil fission. Additionally, her good side appears as its own separate character which represents both the Transformed Android 21 with her good side in control and her good fission.

21 - or her human template - appears in Kakarot where she is identified as "Female Researcher".

Voice Actors

  • Japanese: Houko Kuwashima
  • English: Jeannie Tirado [6]

List of characters killed by Android 21

  • Android 16 - In every scenario Android 21 destroys Android 16. In the Super Warrior Arc and Enemy Warrior Arc she destroys him for being a turncoat, in the Android 21 Arc she destroys him when she is overcome by her hunger, to the horror of her good side once it resurfaces, resulting in her fission.
  • Nappa - Turned into food and consumed by Android 21 during the Super Warrior Arc.
  • Ginyu Force - Turned into food and consumed by Android 21 during the Super Warrior Arc.
  • Cell - Turned into food and consumed by Android 21 during the Super Warrior Arc.
  • Frieza - Turned into food and consumed by Android 21 during the Super Warrior Arc.
  • Clones - Android 21 had turned several of her clones into food and consumed them to control her hunger. However, she dislikes their taste.


  • Android 21 is similar to Towa as both are intelligent attractive female scientists who appear as video game antagonists. Additionally, both were created by series author Akira Toriyama.
    • She is also similar to Arale Norimaki as both are exceptionally powerful female Androids (capable of taking on the likes of Vegeta and Goku) who wear glasses (though 21 only wears her glasses in her human form).
    • Android 21 is also similar to Launch as both are attractive female with Mixed Personalities who appear as antagonists at first then later protagonist. Additionally, both were created by series author Akira Toriyama.
  • Her insatiable hunger is also similar to King Gurumes after he was mutated by the Blood Rubies in Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies.
  • Her evil personality is similar Planet Eater Moro as both view other beings as little more than food. However while Moro dines on life energy of other beings and planets, she consumes fast growing artificial clones and other beings by turning them into food.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, 2020
  2. Android 21 reveals her age. siliconera (August 24, 2019).
  3. Dragon Ball Fighterz adds new original female character Android 21 plus Tien Shinhan and Yamcha. siliconera (September 16, 2017).
  4. 4.0 4.1 FighterZ timeline placement and Android 21. imgur.
  5. Android 21 reveal. pbs.twimg.
  6. Jeannie Tirado Announces She Voices Android 21 in FighterZ. Twitter (October 13, 2017).

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Human-Type Earthlings

Agundas • Akai Tomato • Akane Kimidori • An Azuki • Android 17's Wife • Angela • Anne • Antique Shop Owner • Antoine the Great • Aoi Kimidori • Asao • Bacterian • Bandages the Mummy • Barry Kahn • Basaku • Battle Navigator Kaisei • Beat • Beat's Grandfather • Beat's Mother • Bikini • Bimbo • Bocacchi • Bongo • Bora • Bullies of the Orin Temple • Bulma (Future • DBE) • Burdwell • Captain Bacterian • Captain Chicken • Captain Dark • Captain of the Guard • Carey Fuller • Caroni • Chamel • Chamile • Chao • Chapu • Charmy Yamada • Chi-Chi (Future • DBE) • Chi-Chi's mother • Chiaotzu • Chico • Chin Taiken • Chocora • Chow • Chuu Lee • Coco • Cocoa Amaguri • Colonel Silver • Colonel Violet • Commander Red • Cynthia • Daigoro Kurigashira • The Dictator • DJ • Donko • Doskoi • Dr. Auto • Dr. Brief (Future) • Dr. Challenger • Dr. Collie • Dr. Flappe • Dran • Dub • Eclain • Eclair • Emi • Ena • Erasa • Erito • Fanfan • Farmer • Fen • Fire Safety Kids • Forte • Fortuneteller Baba • Freddy Hein • Gala • Gato • Gebo • General Blue • General White • Grandma Hakkake • Grandma Paozu • Grandpa Gohan (DBE) • Gyaosu • Hacchi • Haru • Hasky • Hasky's followers • Haya • Hero • Hero Stadium Announcer • Hijiki • Hondawara • Honey • Idasa • Idasam • Ikose • Incha • Intergalactic Fighters • Isaza • Jajee • Jam • Jewel • Jimmy Firecracker • Jingle Village Chief • Kabra • Kaede Beniya • Kagyu • Kajika • Kallon • Kalpochof • Kami of the Previous Generation • Kang • Kasdan • Killa • King Chappa • King Kress • Kinoko Sarada • Kojiro • Kong • Kooky Cook • Korinto • Krillin (Future) • Kurikinton Soramame • Launch • Lime • Lody • Lord Jaguar • Lotta Cash • Mabon • Mai (Future • DBE) • Maki • Maline • Maloja • Manager • Manpuku Okawari • Maron • Marron • Master Mutaito (DBE) • Master Roshi (Future • DBE) • Master Shen • Men-Men • Mercenary Tao • Midori Norimaki • Mighty Mask • Miguel • Mint • Mint (World Mission) • Miss Piiza • Mizore • Moden • Monty • Mousse • Mousse and Eclair's children • Mozuku • Mr. Borbonne • Mr. Kingery • Mr. Lao • Mr. Musuka • Mr. Satan (Future • Universe 6) • Mr. Satanman • Mr. Shu • Mugley • Murasaki Brothers • Murdock • Nain • Nam • Nareg • Nejishiki • Ninja Murasaki • Note • Nok • Note • Oats • Old Scientist • Old Woman Spring • Olibu • Omori's Wife • Otokosuki • Ox-King (Future) • Pagos • Pamput • Panna • Pansy • Paopao • Pasta • Paul • Pearl • Peasuke Soramame • Peco • Penguin Village Junior High Principal • Pepper Johnson • Peruka • Pete Kobayashi • Peter • Pigero • Pintar • Pirozhki • Piscuit • Pit Bull Pete • Plague • Plamo • Pochawompa • Pochimura • Poacher A • Poacher B • Polly Buckets • Popo Poco Village Elder • Princess Misa • Puck • Queen Harumaki • Queen Kress • Ranfan • Richest man in Gingertown • Rising Dragon • Roche • Rock • Rocky Rivers • Rom • Ruhna • Sachie Momochi • Sapa • Sapphire • Satan City Mayor • Seki • Senbei Norimaki • Sharpner • Shen • Sheriff Rao • Sherman Priest • Shinseki • Shoken • Sky Dragon • Smitty • Sora • Spopovich • Staff • Staff Officer Black • Suno • Tamagoro Katayude • Tanmen • Taro Soramame • Terror • Thief Boy • Thunderbolt • Tien Shinhan (Future) • Tights • Tokunoshin Omori • Tommy • Tour • Traffic Agent Lady • Trunks • Tsukutsun Tsun • Tsuntsunodanoteiyugo Tsun • Tsururin Tsun • Tsuruten Tsun • Turbo Norimaki • Udo • Upa • Uub • Uuby • Valese • Van Zant • Videl • Viola • Vodka • Vodka's bodyguards • Wairu • Wanta • Wayan Budhiyasa • Wild Tiger • World Tournament Announcer • X.S. Cash • Yajirobe (Future) • Yamcha (Future • DBE) • Yamu • Yaochun • Yoshito-kun • Yukio Kyumonji • Yurin • Yuzukar • Zalador • Zarid • Zen

Animal-Type Earthlings

Agarizame • Boar Bandit • Captain Yellow • Donbe • General Bon • Jasmine • Jinku • King Furry • Konkichi • Korin • Man-Wolf • Monster Carrot • Mr. Pig • Oolong (Future) • Oonaan • Puar • Shu (Future) • Torahachiro • Turtle (Future) • Wombat and Biker • World Tournament Chairman • Yordon

Monster-Type Earthlings

Emperor Pilaf (Future) • Igor • King Gurumes • Paella • Vampire (Fangs the Vampire)

Earthling-Saiyan Hybrids

Akina • Beat • Bulla • Bulma Leigh • Gohan (Future • Xeno) • Goten (Xeno) • Trunks (Future • Xeno) • Pan (Xeno) • Goku Jr. • Vegeta Jr. • Youth

Earthling Cyborgs

Android 8 (Future) • Android 17 (Future) • Android 18 (Future) • Android 21 (Evil • Good) • Android 25 • Android 26 • Genome • Cell (Present • Future • Xeno) • Cell Jr. • Dr. Gero (Future) • Dr. Kochin • Dr. Mashirito • Dr. Wheelo • Fu • Mercenary Tao • Mira (Dark Empire)

Earthling Fusions

Arale 18 • Android 35 • Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Android 1920 • Bulpan • Butran • Cell 17 • Cellza • Chiaohan • Chiaoldo • Chiaoman • Chocof • Coohan • Eclon • EX Gohanks • EX Trunks • Failed Fusions • Future Gohanks • Gatob • Ginyuman • God Fusion Goku • Gokule • Gorilin • Gotenks (EX • Xeno) • Great Jaco • Great Saiyaman 12 • Great Satanman • Jacunks • Jamila • Kallohan • Krigohan • Majin Satan • Majuub • Miracora • Pandel • Pannan • Perfect 16 • Piratz • Prillin (EX) • Super 17 • Tanks • Tiencha (EX) • Tiradoola • Tiraf • Tirara • Ultra Fusion (Tekka) • Ultra Pinich • Vegenks • Xeno Vegeks • Yamta

Earthling Transformations

Max Power • Power Pole Pro • Beastman • Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain) • Black Water Mist (Demon Clan) • Ghost • Jiang Shi • Zombie
Super Saiyan (Demon (Rampaging) • Powerhouse (Second Grade • Third Grade) • Full Power) • Super Saiyan 2 (Super Saiyan Rage) • Super Saiyan 3 • Great Ape • Golden Great Ape (Super Saiyan 4) • Super Saiyan God (God-like Saiyan • Super Saiyan Blue)
Ultra Instinct Sign

Other Transformations

Carrot • Human Candy • Kaio-ken • Potential Unleashed • Unlock Potential (Majin) • No Ego Zone • Tuffleization (Strongest Form 1)


Police (Galactic Patrol • MIR) • Red Ribbon Army (Red Pants Army) • Ninja Clan • Karinga Tribe • Kawa Tribe • Peck Peck Tribe • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Crane School (New Crane School) • Dog Dragon Gang • Pilaf Gang • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Saiya Squad • Team Beerus • Team Universe 7) • Royal Academy of Science • Earth's Military (Earth's Resistance) • Gurumes Army • Kikoukenjutsu Sword School • Mercenary Clan • Mutaito Training Academy • Mifan Army • Red Shark Gang • Taitans • Toad Warriors • Time Patrol (Dragon Ball Heroes • Hero Society • Nutz Gang • Romance Rangers • Seed Unit • Warriors of Light) • Town Militia

Wars, Conflicts & Tournaments

King Piccolo wars • World Martial Arts Tournaments • Red Ribbon Army War • Attack of the Saiyans • Battle on Planet Namek • Android conflict (Cell Games) • Other World Tournament • Majin Buu conflict • Frieza's revenge • Tournament of Destroyers • Project Zero Mortals • Zeno Expo • Tournament of Power • The Dragon Ball GT conflicts • Demigra Incident • Frieza's Siege • Timespace Tournament • Tournament of Time (Super Cell Games)

Technology, Weapons & Vehicles

3D Scan Mode (Data Input) • Android Barrier • Android Bomb • Animorphaline • Bansho Fan • Bath • Battle Armor • Battle Jacket • Blutz Wave Generator • Boats (Princess Bulma) • Bunny costume • Capsules (Airplanes (Pilaf Plane) • Capsule House (Kame House) • Car (Hovercar • Mighty Mouse) • CC Mascots • Motorcycles (Jet-Bike • Jet Squirrel) • Submarine • Time Machine) • Capsule Corporation spaceship (Grand Tour Spaceship) ) • Cat Bell • Camo Bikini • Chi-Chi's helmet • Culture Fluid (Culture Fluid Absorption Gigantification) • Dragon Ball Heroes machines • Dragon Radar (Dragon Radar-proof box • Giru • Global Dragon Radar • Super Dragon Radar • Ziku) • Flamethrower • Flying Disc • Flying Nimbus (Dark Nimbus) • Gi (Demon Clothes • Turtle School Uniform • Weighted Clothing) • Great Saiyaman Watch (Great Saiyaman Suit) • Gun (Beam Gun • Blaster • Madness Wand) • Hero Switch • Hidden Blade • Knife (Switchblade) • Metamo-Ring (EX-Fusion • Freeform Fusion) • Micro Band • Nameless Namek's Spaceship • Ninja Mist Shuriken • Pan Fighting Network • Panties • Pilaf's Flying Base • Pilaf's Flying Fortress • Pilaf's satellite • Pilaf Machine • Power Pole • Remote tracking device • Rocket Launcher • Scouter • Scouter Drone • Shut Down Remote • Soul Link System • Switchblade • Swords (Azure Dragon Sword • Connoisseur Cut (Savory Slicer) • Future Trunks' Sword (Brave Sword • Light Sword • Sword of Hope) • Gohan's sword • Great Saiyaman 3's Sword • Japanese sword • Laser Sword • Sasanishiki • Yajirobe's katana) • Tanks • Trendy Bikini • Trendy Swim Shorts • Universal Key • Universal Translator • Wave Machine • Wedding Dress


Androids (Bio-Android • Bio-Warrior) • Blood Ruby • Bob & Margaret • Brief family • Dirty Magazine • Earth • Groundbreaking Science ••Legend of Dragon Ball • Martial Arts (Martial Artist • Swordsman) • Saiyans • Son family • Triclops • Tuffle (Tuffle Parasites)

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Cell (Present • Future • Xeno • New) • Cell Jr. • Genome • Android Majins • Mira • Fu


Bio-Man • Kishime • Misokatsun • Ebifurya • Bio-Broly

Red Ribbon

Major Metallitron • Red Ribbon Robot • Prototype Android (Super Prototype) • Android 8 (Future) • Remote tracking device • Android 9 • Android 13 • Android 14 • Android 15 • Android 16 (Future • New Model) • Android 17: Lapis (Future • Hell Fighter) • Android 18: Lazuli (Future) • Android 19 (Future) • Android 20: Gero (Future • Clone (Supercomputer (Future)) • Android 21 (Good • Evil) • Clones (Clone Frieza) • Destroyers • Android 25: Nico • Android 26: Nim • Android 27 • Android 28 • Android 29 • Android 33 • Android 44 • Android 55 • Android 76 • Android 8000 • Android 19000

Other Androids

Ahms • Robotoriyama • Arale Norimaki • Big Gete Star • C-6 • CC Mascots • CC Robots • Caramel Man (Obotchaman • Dr. Mashirito • Abale) • Compression-01 • Cyclopian Guard • Eggbot • Flying Camera • Godgardon • Guide Robo • Gurumes' Robot Servant • Hatchiyack • Hope! • HWM 100 X • Dr. Kochin • Lulu • Machine Mutants • Mecha 7 • Mecha Goku • Moll • Navigator • OG Soldier (Seven-Three) • Pirate Robot • Pusherbot • Reality Machine • Rill • TPP - EX • Zaus • Zeno Orbs • Ziku

Other Cyborgs

Boiled Octopus Robo • Bowlean • Cacao • Caramel Man (Dr. Mashirito) • Crook • Cyborg Tao • Kahseral • Kettlean • Machine Mutants • Mecha Frieza • Meta-Cooler Core (Meta-Cooler) • Rezok • Warlord • Dr. Wheelo

Universe 3

Agnilasa • Borareta • Catopesra • Koicéareta • Koitsukai • Maji-Kayo • Mosco • Narirama • Nigrissi • Pancéa • Paparoni • Biarra • Za Priccio

Universe 7 Fusions

Android 35 • Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Android 1920 • Android Saibaking • Android Biwala 33 • Android Gowry 33 • Android Leganon 33 • Android Huki 44 • Android Stroganof 55 • Android Vasabi 55 • Android Bukha 76 • Android Butor 76 • Arale 18 • Cell 17 • Celluza • Damira • Baby Hatchiyack • Fused Sealas • Fuki • Gaury • Kuwabara • Perfect 16 • Super 17 • Towale • Ultra Pinich


3D Scan Mode (Data Input • Lock-On Buster • Built-in Scouter) • Android Barrier • Android Bomb (Self Destruct Device • Unforgivable!) • Android Kick • Bio Suit (Cosmic Suit (Rampaging • Golden) ) • Birthing Cell Juniors (Cell Junior Dance) • Cars (Hovercar) • Cell Games • Cells • Class-up (Super Class-up) • Copy Ability (Autonomous Ultra Instinct • Great Namekian • Potential Unleashed) • Culture Fluid (Culture Fluid Absorption Gigantification) • Dark Evolution • Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain) • Dr. Collie • Dr. Flappe • Earthlings • Energy Blade (Connoisseur Cut • Savory Slicer) • Flamethrower • Form Change • Frieza's Race (Frieza Clan) • Fusion (Five-Way Fusion • Potara) • Dr. Mashirito • Gebo • Giant Form • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Gun (Hell's Beam • Hell's Flash • Hell's Storm • Killer Machine Guns) • Machine Mutants • Madness Wand • Magic (Hungry Beam • Majin Beam/Sweet Tooth) • Majins (Pure Majins) • Metamo-Ring (EX-Fusion • Freeform Fusion) • Moro • Nain • Namekian • Photon Wave (Photon Swipe) • Remote tracking device • Rocket Launcher (Rocket Punch) • Saiyans • Sealas' Staff • Senbei Norimaki • Shut Down Remote • Spirit Control (Instant Transmission) • Strongest Form 2 • Metal Super Saiyan • Super Saiyan (S-Cells • Super Saiyan 2 • Powerhouse (Third Grade)) • Team Universe 3 • Team Universe 7 • Tournament of Time (Super Cell Games)• Tuffle (Dr. Lychee • King Tuffle) • Ultimate Class-up Sign (Ultra Instinct Sign)

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Frieza Race
Known Members

Berserker • Chilled • Cooler (Future) • Frieza (Clone • Future • Xeno) • Frieza's mother • Frost • Froze • Iaas • Jierra • King Cold (Future) • Kuriza • Percel • Reso • Rezok


Cell 17 • Cellza • Coolieza • Ginyuza • Meta-Cooler Core • Perfect 16 • Sealas (Fused) • Ultimate Ultra Fusion

Frieza's race transformations

Transforming Ability (First • Second • Third • Fourth • Mecha)
100% Full Power
Golden (Fury • True Golden Fury Golden • Xeno-Evolution)

Other transformations

Potential Unleashed
Majin Mark (Unlock Potential)
Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain)
Class-up (Super Class-up) • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Ultimate Class-up Sign (Ultra Instinct Sign)

Related articles

Frieza Clan • Ahms (Frieza & Cell absorbed)Android 21 (Evil • Good) • Bio Suit (Cosmic • (Frieza's rocket launcher)) • Cell (Present • Future • Xeno • Cells) • Cell Jr. • Clones • Frieza Force (Cooler Force) • Hover Pod • Tock

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Universe 7 Namekians

Android 76 • Bolon • Bongo • Bongo • Cargo • Cital • Copycat Nail • Cymbal • Datsum • Dende (Future • Xeno) • Drum • Eemai • Esca • Escart • Fargo • Gamelan • Ghiro • Guru • Jijee • Kagyu • Kami (Future) • Katas • King Piccolo (Lord Piccolo) • Lord Slug (Xeno) • Lugo • Mai Mai • Maima • Mekuji • Monaito • Moolin • Moori (Future) • Nail • Namekian Elite • Nameless Namekian • Narak • Necke • Piano • Piccolo (Future) • Ryuto • Scarl • Shale • Snei • Tambourine • Tanta • Toomlin • Toronbon • Tsumuri • Tsumuri (Namekian Hero) • Tsuno • Ukelele • Unnamed Namekian warrior • Uzma • Vibra • Week • Youth

Universe 6 Namekians

Pilina • Saonel


Android Bukha 76 • Android Butor 76 • Biwanei • Cell 17 • Celluza • Demon King Daccolo • Den-Goku • EX Prilin • Ghirober • Ghirolto • Kallohan • Kibicollo Kai • Ultra Fusion (Namekian) • Perfect 16 • Picohan • Prilin • Rumotal • Sagelin • Saibalin • Sealas (Fused) • Ultra Pinich • Unnamed fusion of Piccolo and Dr. Mashirito • Uzmai


Great Namekian (Super Giant-Form • Gigantification • Dark Giant)
Super Namekian
Red-eyed Namekian form (Blue-eyed Namekian form)
Class-up (Super Class-up) • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Ultimate Class-up Sign (Ultra Instinct Sign)

Other transformations

Potential Unleashed
Dark Ki
Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain)
Manipulation Sorcery (King of Destruction)


Dragon Clan (Dende Priest, Poko Priest) • Warrior-type Namekian (Shadow Knight, Dark Warrior) • Demon Clan (Dark Vassals • Dark Namekians • Fallen Dark Namekian • Narak-type Namekians)

Related articles

Ajisa • Ahms (Cell & Frieza Absorbed)Android 21 (Good • Evil) • Battle on Planet Namek • Birthing an Egg (Namekian Eggs) • Cell (Present • Future • Xeno • Cells) • Cell Jr. • Demon Clothes (Weighted Clothing) • Demon Realm • Earth (Isuri's Lake • The Lookout • Yunzabit Heights • Piccolo's House) • King Piccolo wars • Mr. Poko Poko • Namekian Book of Legends • Namekian Dragon Balls • Namekian Frog • Namekian Fusion • Namekian language • Namekrystal • Nameless Namek's Spaceship • New Namek • Porunga • Shenron (Black Smoke Shenron • Dark Shenron • Shadow Dragons • Ultimate Shenron)

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VegetaMajinSymbol02.png Majin
Buu's Majin subspecies

Baby Buu • Fin • Kabra • Majin Buu (Kid Buu (Future • Clone • Xeno) • Innocent Buu (Future) • Miss Buu • Good Buu (Future) • Evil Buu (Future) • Super Buu (Future)) • Shun Shun • Haru Haru • Kabra • Mani Mani • Mighty Majins • Ninny • Ratopa • Salaga • Taino • Titima • Wonder Majins • Unnamed Mighty Majin • Yoshito-kun • Youth

Other Majin race members

Android 21 (Evil • Good) • Android Majins • Hirudegarn • Majin Ozotto • Nox

Majin Fusions

Janenbu • Majin Satan • Majuub

Majin Transformations

Pure Majin
Demon God

Other Transformations

Potential Unleashed
Dark Ki
Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain)
Grand Supreme Kai
Class-up (Super Class-up) • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Ultimate Class-up Sign (Ultra Instinct Sign)
Super Mira (Fin Absorbed) • Super Saiyan 4

Locations and Objects

Bob & Margaret • Boo World • Buu-gi • Inside Buu • Majin Buu's house (Bath)• Potara • Sealed Ball

Organization of Babidi

Babidi (Future) • Baby Janemba • Bibidi • Dabura (Future) • Majin Soldiers • Majin Vegeta • Pui Pui (Future) • Spopovich • Yakon (Future) • Yamu • Future Broly • Future Cooler • Fighting Puppets • Demon King Daccolo • Manipulation Sorcery (Drawing out Dormant Power • Unlock Potential • King of Destruction) • Majin Cell • Majin Frieza • Majin Piccolo • Majin Kabra • Neko Majin Z • Neko Majin Mike • Neko Majin Mix • Babidi's spaceship • Crystal Ball • Energy-Suction Device • Energy Meter (Kili)

Related articles

Bee • Fake Z Fighters • Fission Absorption • Janemba's Majin Vegeta • Kashvar (Hoi) • Love-Love Beam • Majin Buu conflict • Mimicry (Majin Kamehameha) • Mr. Satan (Future) • Offworlder • Supreme Kai (position) • Transfiguration Beam • Tommy • Uub • Uuby

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Red Ribbon Army DB Ep 68 001.png Red Ribbon Army Red Ribbon Army DB Ep 68 001.png

Android 16's template • Buyon • Captain Dark • Captain Yellow • Churai • Colonel Silver • Colonel Violet • Commander Red • Dr. Gero • Gold • General Blue • General Bon • General Copper • General White • Major Metallitron • Mercenary Tao • Mrs. Bon • Murasaki Brothers • Ninja Murasaki • Saiba Rangers • Staff Officer Black

Red Ribbon Androids

Prototype Android • Super Prototype Android • Android 8 (Future) • Android 9 • Android 13 • Android 14 • Android 15 • Android 16 (Future) (A • B • C)) • Android 17 (Future • Hell Fighter) • Android 18 (Future) • Android 19 • Android 20 (Clone • Supercomputer)/Future Android 20 (Supercomputer) • Cell (Present • Future • New • Xeno • Cells) • Cell Jr. • Android 21 (Evil • Good) • Android 33 • Android 44 • Android 55 • Android 76 • Android 8000 • Android 19000


Dr. Flappe • Hasky • Hasky's followers • King Nikochan • King Nikochan's servant • Dr. Kochin • Bio-Men • Mastermind's group (Mastermind • Giblet) • Piccolo (Brainwashed) • Pilaf Gang (Emperor Pilaf • Mai • Shu)


Colonel Silver's Camp • Dr. Gero's Lab • General Blue's Camp • Muscle Tower • Red Ribbon Army Headquarters

Technology and Vehicles

3D Scan Mode (Data Input • Built-in Scouter) • Airplanes (Thunder Rocket) • Android Bomb (Self Destruct Device • Unforgivable!) • Battle Armor • Battle Jacket • Bio Suit (Cosmic Suit) • Boats • Cars (Hovercars) • Global Dragon Radar (Dragon Radar) • Energy Blade (Connoisseur Cut • Savory Slicer) • Guns (Blasters • Hell's Beam • Hell's Flash • Hell's Storm • Killer Machine Guns) • Jet-copter • Knife • Metamo-Ring (EX-Fusion • Freeform Fusion) • Motorcycles • Ninja Mist Shuriken • Photon Wave (Photon Swipe) • Red Ribbon Robot (RR Mech Soldier) • Remote tracking device • Rocket Launcher (Mouth Missile • Rocket Punch) • Shut Down Remote • Soul Link System • Submarines • Sasanishiki • Tanks • Total Detonation Ball (Absolute Release Ball) • Wave Machine

Related articles

Red Ribbon Army war • Android conflict • Red Pants Army • Bio-Warrior (Red Bio-Man) • Cloned Fighters (Clone Frieza) • Android 35 • Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Android 1920 • Android Saibaking • Arale 18 • Perfect 16 • Cell 17 • Celluza • Form Change • Fusion (Potara) • Super 17 • Timespace Tournament • Tournament of Time • Ultimate Ultra Fusion (Five-Way Fusion)

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Pure-blooded Saiyans

Amepai • Amy • Bardock (Future • Xeno) • Beets • Binas • Borgos • Broly (Future • Super) • Bukha • Chokly • Cissito • Cumber • Fasha • Garatz • Giblet • Gine • Goku (Future • DBE • Kakarot • Xeno) • Goku Black (Crimson-Masked Saiyan) • Jagamo • Kiclee • Kili Enhanced Great Ape Time Breaker • King Vegeta (Xeno) • King Vegeta's Majordomo • Leek • Lisee • Moroko • Nappa • Narmis • Nazz • Nion • Nira • Onio • Original Super Saiyan God • Paprika • Paragus (Super) • Pinich • Prika • Quillin • Racyoh • Raditz • Rakyo • Rhubub • Ruccola • Sage • Scarface • Sesamy • Shallot • Shorty • Shugesh • Skwash • Soga • Stabba • Tarble • Taro • Tora • Turles (Xeno) • Tyber • Vasabi • Vegeta (Future • Xeno) • Warrior in Black Clothes • Yamoshi • Zaripai • Zemma • Zorn • Zysa

Universe 6 Saiyans

Cabba • Caulifla • Kale • King Sadala • Renso

Hybrid Saiyans

Akina • Basaku • Beat • Bio-Broly • Bulla • Bulma Leigh • Dark Gogeta • Duplicate Vegeta • Erito • Forte • Fused Zamasu/Infinite Zamasu (Goku Black • Future Zamasu) • Gohan (Future • Xeno) • Goku Jr. • Goten (Xeno) • Janemba's Majin Vegeta • Mint • Mizore • Nenjo • Note • Shalot • Trunks (Future • Xeno) • Pan (Xeno) • Vegeta Jr. • Viola

Saiyan fusions

Android Biwala 33 • Android Gowry 33 • Android Leganon 33 • Android Huki 44 • Android Vasabi 55 • Android Bukha 76 • Barlot • Bukwash • Bulpan • Coohan • Den-Goku • EX Trunks • Failed Fusions • Fuber • Fused Zamasu • Garash • Ginyuman • God Fusion Goku • Gohanks (EX • Future • Xeno) • Gogeta (EX • Future • Xeno) • Gokule • Gomas • Gorilin • Gorus • Gotenks (EX • Xeno) • Great Jaco • Great Saiyaman 12 • Great Satanman • Jacunks • Kallohan • Karoly • Karoly Black • Kefla • Krigohan • Liseemis • Minlee • Mirara • Natz • Nuova Goku • Pandel • Pinita • Piratz • Rappa • Tanks • Towane • Turtz • Ultra Fusion • Ultra Pinich • Vegenks • Vegito (Xeno) • Xeno Vegeks • Yamta

Ordinary transformations

Great Ape (Kili Enhanced • Wrathful)

Super Saiyan (Pseudo • Power Stressed (Second Grade • Third Grade) • Full Power • Partial • Berserk) • Broly-type (A-type • C-type • Legendary)

Super Saiyan 2 (Legendary • Enraged • Rage)

Super Saiyan 3 (Legendary • Full Power • Xeno-Evolution)

Super Saiyan God (Saiyan beyond God) • God Broly


Evil Saiyan

Hybrid transformations

Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan

Super Kaio-ken

Dark Super Saiyan God

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Blue • Kaio-ken • Perfected • Evolved • Barrier • Berserk • Controlled Berserk) • (Rosé • Rosé 2 • Rosé 3 • Rosé Full Power)

Golden Great Ape (Final Form)

Super Saiyan 4 (Full Power • Full Power Limit Breaker • Kaio-ken)

Tuffleization (Strongest Form 1 • Strongest Form 2 • Golden Great Ape)

Other transformations

Power Pole Pro • Kaio-ken • Unlock Potential (Demon marked (King of Destruction)) • Culture Fluid Absorption Gigantification • Potential Unleashed • Candy Vegito • Dark Evolution • Dark Ki • Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain) • Giant Form • Shenron Mode • Ultra Instinct Sign (Perfected) • Ultra Ego • Goku's Change • Xeno-Evolution • Majin's Awakening


Saiyan Army (King Vegeta's Elite • Team Bardock • Saiyan Army Snipers • Phantom Saiyans) • Caulifla's Gang • Dark Empire • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Saiya Squad • Team Universe 7) • Frieza Force • Galactic Patrol • Mastermind's group (Red Ribbon Bio-Androids • Organization of Babidi) • New Saiyan Empire • Sadala Army • Team Universe 6 • Time Patrol (Dragon Ball Heroes • Hero Society • Nutz Gang • Romance Rangers • Seed Unit • Taino Force • Warriors of Light) • Turles Crusher Corps.

Wars and Conflicts

Saiyan-Tuffle war • Kanassan war • Invasion of Planet Meat • Genocide of the Saiyans • Shikk conflict • Tritek war • War of Planet Arlia • Red Ribbon Army War • King Piccolo wars • 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament • Attack of the Saiyans • Battle on Planet Namek • Android conflict • Majin Buu conflict • Frieza's revenge • Tournament of Destroyers • Project Zero Mortals • Zeno Expo • Tournament of Power • Broly conflict • Tournament of Time (Super Cell Games) • GT conflicts

Related Articles

Ahms • Android 21 (Good • Evil) • Attack Ball • Bardock's Spaceship • Bio-Android • Blutz Waves (Blutz Wave Generator • Earth • Moon • Power Ball) • Broly Control Mechanism • Broly's Ring • Camo Bikini • Cars (Hovercars) • Cell (Present • Future New • Xeno • Cells) • Cell Jr. • Class-up (Super Class-up) • Clones • Culture Fluid • Dark Dragon Ball • Demon Realm (Dark Empire • Dark Energy • Dark Factor (Dark King) • Demon Realm Crystal • Fu • King of the Demon Realm • Mira (Mira (Dark Empire)) ) • Earthling • Fighting Pose (Formation! • Hero's Pose) • Flying Nimbus • Frieza Force • Fusion (EX-Fusion • Freeform Fusion • Fusion Dance • Five-Way Fusion • God Fusion • Metamo-Ring • Potara) • God-Blue • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Groundbreaking Science • Honey • House of Vegeta • Magic • Martial Arts (Ki • Groundbreaking Science • Martial Artist • Swordsman (Kikoukenjutsu Sword style) • Turtle School) • Mecha Goku • Medical Machine • Mimicry • Planet Vegeta (Bardock's Village (Bardock's House) • (Vegeta's Palace) • Power Pole • S-Cells • Sadala • Saibamen (Saibaking • Saibaman Bomb • Saibamen Set) • Saiya Power • Saiyan Power • Scout-Scope • Scouter • Son family • Super Saiyan (Demon Realm race) • Super Saiyan God (race) • Super Saiyan of legend • Swords (Azure Dragon Sword Model Energy Blade • Brave Sword • Connoisseur Cut (Savory Slicer) • Future Trunks' Sword (Great Saiyaman 3's Sword • Key Sword • Light Sword • Sword of Hope) • God Split Cut • Energy Blade (Spinning Blade) • Vegito Sword (Galaxy Spirit Sword (Galaxy Eternal Sword) • Spirit Blade • Spirit Excalibur (Spirit Sabre • Final Excalibur)) • Super Vegito Sword) • Violent Fierce God Slicer • Z Sword) • Time Breaker Mind Control (Anti-Blutz Wave Masks) • Tree of Might (Fruit of the Tree of Might (FotToM (Demon Realm)) ) • Trendy Bikini • Autonomous Ultra Instinct • Spirit Control (Forced Spirit Fission • Instant Transmission) • Power of Destruction • Ultimate Class-up Sign • Youth

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Dragon Team

Goku (Xeno) • Yamcha • Krillin • Master Roshi • Tien Shinhan • Chiaotzu • Yajirobe • Piccolo • Gohan (Xeno) • Vegeta (Xeno) • Trunks • Goten (Xeno) • Android 18 • Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai) • Android 17 • Pan (Xeno) • Uub


Bulma • Oolong • Puar • Chi-Chi • Ox-King • Launch • Turtle • World Tournament Announcer • Dr. Brief • Scratch • Bikini • Korin • Fortuneteller Baba • Kami • Mr. Popo • King Yemma • King Kai • Dende • Moori • Marron • Pybara • Shin • Kibito • Kibito Kai • Mr. Satan • Videl • Bee • Old Kai • Tarble • Gure • Beerus • Whis • Tights • Jaco • Galactic King • Merus • Irico • Esca • Monaka • Emperor Pilaf • Mai • Shu • Cabba • Gowasu • Zeno • Bulla • Navigator • Giru • Valese


Nam • Suno • Android 8 • Arale Norimaki • Gatchan • Senbei Norimaki • Bora • Upa • Grandpa Gohan • Shen • C-6 • Freddy Hein • Murdock • Pepper Johnson • Grand Elder Guru • Nail • Necke • Maima • Tsumuri • Icarus • Maron • Kooky Cook • Melone • Raditz • Nappa • Dodoria • Zarbon • Ginyu Force (Burter • Guldo • Jeice • Recoome) • Android 16 • Olibu • West Kai • South Kai • East Kai • Grand Kai • Pikkon • Dabura • Tapion • Galactic King • Cocoa Amaguri • Yurin • Cell Jr. • Broly • Cheelai • Lemo • Neko Majin Z • Leena • Doma • Bon Para • Son Para • Don Para • Ledgic • Unnamed Alien Boy • Sugoro • Shusugoro • Nuova Shenron • Dr. Challenger • Chronoa • Tokitoki • Toki Toki City Hero • Conton City Hero • Bardock (Xeno) • Beat • Note • Froze • Kagyu • Kabra • Zen • Chamel • Nim • Fen • Wairu • Mecha Goku • Ziku • Female Researcher (Android 21 (Good)) • Shallot • Putine • Salsa

Future Counterparts

Future Trunks (Xeno) • Future Gohan • Future Goku • Future Vegeta • Future Piccolo • Future Krillin • Future Yamcha • Future Tien Shinhan • Future Chiaotzu • Future Yajirobe

Supporters & Allies

Future Bulma • Future Chi-Chi • Future Master Roshi • Future Puar • Future Turtle • Future Oolong • Future Ox-King • Future Dr. Brief • Future Dende • Future King Kai • Future Korin • Future Shin • Future Kibito • Future Mai • Future Old Kai • Future Mr. Satan • Future Good Buu • Future Pikkon • Future Bardock • Haru • Maki • Future Zeno

Fused Members
Fusion Dance

Future Gohanks (Xeno) • Gogeta (Future • Xeno) • Gotenks (Xeno) • Prilin • Tiencha


Android 35 • Den-Goku • Gokule • Kibito Kai • Old Kai (Future) • Xeno Vegeks • Vegito (Xeno)


Android 1617 • Android 1718 • Arale 18 • Barlot • Bulpan • Chiaohan • Chiaoldo • Chiaoman • Coohan • EX Gogeta • EX Gohanks • EX Gotenks • EX Prilin • EX Trunks • EX Yamhan • Gorillin • Gorus • Great Jaco • Great Saiyaman 12 • Great Satanman • Ginyuman • Jacunks • Kallohan • Karoly • Kibeer Kai • Kibicollo Kai • Krigohan • Majin Satan • Nuova Goku • Pandel • Picohan • Pinita • Tanks • Towale • Vegenks • Yamta

Related Articles
Affiliated Groups

Brief family • Son family • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • West City Fire Brigade • Dragon Clan • Galactic Patrol • Royal Academy of Science • Team Universe 7 • Pilaf Gang • Earth Police • Earth's Resistance • Tien-Shin Style Dojo (New Crane School) • Yardrats • Kikoukenjutsu Sword School • MIR • Pan Fighting Network • Saiya Squad • Taitans • Team Beerus • Time Patrol (Dragon Ball Heroes • Warriors of Light) • Vegeta Sky Pirates

Bases & Training Areas

Mount Paozu (Grandpa Gohan's House • Goku's House) • Kame House • Capsule Corporation • Korin Tower • The Lookout (Hyperbolic Time Chamber • Pendulum Room) • King Kai's Planet • Wukong Hospital • Satan House • Sacred World of the Kai • Beerus' Planet (Inside Whis's Staff) • Krillin's House • Forest of Terror

Vehicles & Equipment

Attack Ball • Bansho Fan • Battle Armor • Bob & Margaret • Bunny costume • Capsules (Airplane • Electric Rice Cooker • Capsule House • Car (Mighty Mouse) • Hovercar • Motorcycle • Submarine • Time Machine) • Capsule Corporation spaceship (Grand Tour Spaceship) • Camo Bikini • Chi-Chi's helmet • Cube • Dirty Magazine • Dragon Radar (Super Dragon Radar) • Ensenji • Flying Nimbus • Gi (Buu-gi • Demon Clothes • Turtle School Uniform • Weighted Clothing • Whis Symbol Gi) • Gravity Machine • Great Saiyaman Watch (Great Saiyaman Suit) • Grenade • Groundbreaking Science • Gun (Beam Gun) • Jaco's Spaceship • Jet-Bike • Jet Squirrel • Knife • Legend of Dragon Ball • Medical Machine • Metamo-Ring • Micro Band • Nameless Namek's Spaceship • Ninja Mist Shuriken • Panties • Potara • Power Pole • Present Bomb • Princess Bulma • Rocket Launcher (Gill Missile) • Sacred Water • Scouter • Scouter Drone • Sealing Tag • Senzu Bean • Shut Down Remote • Sword (Azure Dragon Sword • Brave Sword • Connoisseur Cut • Energy Blade • Future Trunks' Sword (Light Sword • Sword of Hope) • Gohan's sword • Japanese sword • Sasanishiki Shard • Laser Sword • Vegito Sword (Galaxy Spirit Sword • Spirit Excalibur • Super Vegito Sword) • Yajirobe's katana • Z Sword) • Trendy Bikini • Turtle Shell • Ultra Divine Water • Universal Translator • Wedding Dress • Zeno's Button

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Chronoa • Future Trunks (Xeno) • Old Kai • King Kai

Heroes Members

Xeno Goku • Xeno Vegeta • Xeno Gohan • Xeno Goten • Xeno Trunks • Xeno Pan • Xeno Bardock
Bulma • Sealas • Tokitoki • Chamel • Beat • Note • Fen • Leggings • Anne • Froze • Kabra • Kagyu • Nim • Wairu • Zen • Hero Robots • Super Hero Robo

Fused Members

Xeno Gogeta • Xeno Gohanks • Xeno Gotenks • Xeno Vegito • Xeno Vegeks • Jacunks

Xenoverse Members

Tokitoki • Toki Toki City Hero • Conton City Hero • Reso • Imai • Goma • Percel • Jierra • Tsuburi • DJ • Taino • Iaas • Ninja Murasaki • Konkon • Chacha • Akkah • Amy • Aoh

Online Members

Hope! • Unnamed Martial Artist (1) • Unnamed Martial Artist (2) • Unnamed Child Warrior (DBO) • Unnamed Dark Warrior (DBO) • Unnamed Dragon Clan (DBO) • Unnamed Female Spiritualist (2) • Unnamed Male Swordsman (DBO) • Unnamed Male Martial Artist (Child) • Youth


Taino Force • Romance Rangers • Nutz Gang • Seed Unit • Murasaki Brothers • Hero Society • Dragon Ball Heroes • Warriors of Light


Android 16 • Android 17;(DB Super) • Android 18 • Bardock • Beerus • Bojack • Broly (DBS) • Captain Ginyu • Cell • Cooler • Dodoria • Frieza • Fu • Gogeta • Gohan (Future) • Goku • Gotenks • Hit • Jaco • Janemba • Jiren • Kefla • Krillin • Majin Buu • Majin Buu (Gohan Absorbed) • Mr. Satan • Nappa • Omega Shenron • Pan • Piccolo • Raditz • Lord Slug • Tapion • Tien Shinhan • Time Patrol Trunks • Turles • Vegeta • Vegito • Videl • Whis • Yamcha • Zamasu (Black) • Zarbon


Android 17 • Android 21 (Good persona) • Bocacchi • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Earth's Resistance • Saiya Squad • Team Universe 7) • Frieza Clan • Galactic Patrol • Kang • Kong • Lulu • Moll • Minotia • Namekians (Dende • Kami • Grand Elder Guru • Nail) • New Crane School • Nim's Mother • Tapion • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Bardock • Beerus • Bulma (Future) • Champa • Majin family • Majuub • Metal Coolers • Mr. Popo • North Kai • Pikkon (Future) • Vados • Whis • Xeno King Vegeta • Yuto • Zeno (Future) • Demigra Army (Demigra • Chamel • Robelu • Shirogame) • Putine • Salsa • Shroom

Main Conflicts

Dragon Ball OnlineDragon Ball Heroes (World Mission • Dark Empire Saga • Prison Planet Saga • Universal Conflict Saga • Universe Creation Saga) • Dragon Ball Xenoverse (Demigra Incident) • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Unknown History Saga • Infinite History Saga • Frieza's Siege • Hero Colosseum) • Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan BattleDragon Ball Fusions (Timespace Tournament)

Altered Timelines

Genocide of the Saiyans • Red Ribbon Army war • King Piccolo wars • Attack of the Saiyans • Battle on Planet Namek • Android conflict • Cell Games • Majin Buu conflict • Frieza's revenge • Universe Tournament • Zero Mortals Plan • Dragon Ball GT conflicts

Related Articles

Alternate Timelines • Androids (Bio-Androids • Red Ribbon Androids) • Angels (Temporal Do-Over • Whis's Staff) • Become Giant • Battle Suit (Restraint) • Bio Suit (Cosmic Suit) • Bob & Margaret's Forbidden Games • Camo Bikini • Capsules (CC Mascots • Vehicle Capsule 315 • Vehicle Capsule 318 • Vehicle Capsule 340) • CC Robots • Class-up (Super Class-up) • Core Person • Dark Energy (Dark Magic (Villainous Mode • Supervillain • Bloody Sauce • Brainwash Attack • Demon Realm Crystal • Gigantic Ki Blast • Marbling Drop • Peeler Storm • Rage Saucer • Scatter Attack) Time Breaker Mask (Time Breaker Mind Control) ) • Data Input • Demons (Demon Realm race • Majins) • Earthlings • Formation! • Frieza Race (Frieza Clan) • God of Destruction • Namekians • Saiyans • Dragon Ball Heroes machines • Flying Nimbus • Fruit of the Tree of Might • Gi (Buu-gi • Demon Clothes • Turtle Hermit Gi • Whis Symbol Gi) • Hero Suit (Great Saiyaman Watch) • Hero Switch • Hero Town • Dragon Ball Pedestal (Dragon Balls • Shenron) • Toki Toki City • Conton City (Dragon • Grandpa Gohan's House • Conton City Patroller Academy • Time Miniatures) • Time Nest • Tokitoki (race) • Tokitoki's Egg (Distorted Time Eggs) • Elder Kai's Unlock Ability (Potential Unleashed) • Fighting Pose (Audacious Laugh • Dancing Parapara • Emperor's Sign • Formation! • Hercule! • Hero's Pose • Justice Pose • Lovely Cyclone • Prepare to be Punished • Pressure Sign • Shadow Crusher • Taunt • The Savior Has Come) • Fusion Dance • Gate • God Class-up (Super God Class-up) • Groundbreaking Science • Hercule Badge • Instant Transmission (Kai Kai) • Kaioken (Super Kaioken) • Martial Artist • Metamo-Ring (EX-Fusion) • Mortal • Namekian Frogs • Ninja Mist Shuriken • Potara (Time Ring) • Power of Hakai! (Destructive Fission • Destructive Fracture • Hakai • Hakai Energy! • Sphere of Destruction) • Power Pole (Power Pole Pro) • Pretty Cannon (Max Love Cannon • Ribrianne's Eternal Love) • Purification • Scouter • Scroll of Eternity • Sealas' Staff • Super Soul • Swords (Aura Slide • Azure Dragon Sword Model Energy Blade •.Connoisseur Cut (Savory Slicer) • Future Trunks' Sword (Great Saiyaman 3's Sword • Key Sword) • Janemba's Sword • Rebellion Edge (Full Charge Rebellion Edge) • Spirit Sword (Galaxy Spirit Sword (Galaxy Eternal Sword) • Spirit Excalibur) • Sword of Hope • Tapion's Sword • Violent Fierce God Slicer • Yamacha's Sword • Z Sword) • Rift in Time (Crack of Time • The Work of the Gods) • Super Namekian • Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan 2 • Super Saiyan 3 • Super Saiyan 4 (SFPSJ Limit Breaker) • Super Saiyan God (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan • Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Evolved)) • Time Machine • Time Patroller Suit • Time Power Unleashed (Dark King • Dark Labyrinth • Time Labyrinth) • Total Detonation Ball (Absolute Release Ball) • Trendy Bikini • Trendy Swim Shorts • Turn Golden • Ultra Instinct Sign (Ultimate Class-up Sign) • Wedding Dress • World of Mind Control • Z-Soul

What Kind Of Android Apps Exist For The Blind


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