
How To Get Past The Chat Filter In Roblox

One of the most important ways to proceed games rubber and secure is to apply proper text filtering. Roblox has a text filter feature that not merely prevents users from seeing profane or inappropriate messages, but likewise blocks personally identifiable information. Roblox has many young users who should exist safeguarded confronting sharing or seeing certain content.

Because filtering is so crucial for a safe surround, Roblox actively moderates the content of games to brand certain they meet sure standards. If a game is reported or automatically detected to not use filtering, that game volition be shut downwardly until the developer takes the proper steps to apply filtering.

How to Filter Text

Text filtering is done with the TextService/FilterStringAsync|FilterStringAsync() role of TextService. This function volition accept a string of text as input and the user ID of the player who created the text and return a TextFilterResult object that can be used to distribute the filtered cord.

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local filteredTextResult = TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, fromPlayerId)        

This role can be used to filter strings meant for specific users or all users in chat and non-chat situations. TextFilterResult, the object returned past the function, has iii methods that can exist called: TextFilterResult/GetChatForUserAsync|GetChatForUserAsync(), TextFilterResult/GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync|GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync(), and TextFilterResult/GetNonChatStringForUserAsync|GetNonChatStringForUserAsync().

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local filteredText = "" local success, errorMessage = pcall(role() 	filteredTextResult = TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, fromPlayerId) end) if not success then 	warn("Mistake filtering text:", text, ":", errorMessage) 	-- Put code here to handle filter failure end        

Example one

This case sets up a widget that allows a player to ship a message to some other. Such a widget needs at least two scripts: a LocalScript to handle input and displaying messages and a Script to filter the letters on the server. Considering this example has a thespian sending a message to another specific player, the TextFilterResult/GetChatForUserAsync|GetChatForUserAsync() part should be used. A working sample is available and so yous can follow forth.


-- LocalScript  local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")  local actor = Players.LocalPlayer local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local screen = playerGui:WaitForChild("MessageScreen") local sendMessageEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SendPrivateMessage")  -- GUI elements for ship frame local sendFrame = screen:WaitForChild("SendFrame") local recipientField = sendFrame:WaitForChild("Recipient") local writeMessageField = sendFrame:WaitForChild("Bulletin") local sendButton = sendFrame:WaitForChild("Send")  -- GUI elements for receive frame local receiveFrame = screen:WaitForChild("ReceiveFrame") local senderField = receiveFrame:WaitForChild("From") local readMessageField = receiveFrame:WaitForChild("Message")  -- Called when send push button is clicked local function onSendClicked() 	-- Endeavour to find the recipient. Just want to ship bulletin if recipient exists 	local recipient = Players:FindFirstChild(recipientField.Text) 	local message = writeMessageField.Text 	if recipient and message ~= "" then 		-- Send the bulletin 		sendMessageEvent:FireServer(recipient, message) 		-- Clean upwardly send frame 		recipientField.Text = "" 		writeMessageField.Text = "" 	finish  finish  -- Chosen when send message result fires pregnant this client got a message local function onReceiveMessage(sender, bulletin) 	-- Populate fields of receive frame with the sender and message 	senderField.Text = sender.Name 	readMessageField.Text = message end  -- Demark event functions sendButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onSendClicked) sendMessageEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(onReceiveMessage)        


-- Script  local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")  local sendMessageEvent = ReplicatedStorage.SendPrivateMessage  local function getTextObject(bulletin, fromPlayerId) 	local textObject 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 		textObject = TextService:FilterStringAsync(message, fromPlayerId) 	end) 	if success and so 		return textObject 	stop 	render false end  local function getFilteredMessage(textObject, toPlayerId) 	local filteredMessage 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 		filteredMessage = textObject:GetChatForUserAsync(toPlayerId) 	cease) 	if success then 		return filteredMessage 	terminate 	return false stop  -- Called when client sends a message local function onSendMessage(sender, recipient, message) 	if message ~= "" then 		-- Filter the incoming message and send the filtered bulletin 		local messageObject = getTextObject(message, sender.UserId)  		if messageObject then 			local filteredMessage = getFilteredMessage(messageObject, recipient.UserId) 			sendMessageEvent:FireClient(recipient, sender, filteredMessage) 		end 	cease terminate  sendMessageEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(onSendMessage)        

Example 2

This example sets up a dialog that lets a player write a message on a sign. Since anyone in the server would be able to read the sign, even players who join the game after the writing player has left, the text has to be filtered with TextFilterResult/GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync|GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync(). A working sample is available so you lot can follow along.


-- LocalScript local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")  local thespian = Players.LocalPlayer local playerGui = thespian:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local screen = playerGui:WaitForChild("MessageScreen")  -- GUI elements for dialog local frame = screen:WaitForChild("Frame") local messageInput = frame:WaitForChild("Message") local sendButton = frame:WaitForChild("Send")  -- RemoteEvent to send text to server for filtering and display local setSignText = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SetSignText")  -- Called when button is clicked local function onClick() 	local message = messageInput.Text 	if message ~= "" then 		setSignText:FireServer(message) 		frame.Visible = false 	end end  sendButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(onClick)        


-- Script  local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")  local sign = game.Workspace.Sign local signTop = sign.Top local signSurfaceGui = signTop.SurfaceGui local signLabel = signSurfaceGui.SignLabel  local setSignText = ReplicatedStorage.SetSignText  local part getTextObject(bulletin, fromPlayerId) 	local textObject 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 		textObject = TextService:FilterStringAsync(bulletin, fromPlayerId) 	end) 	if success and so 		render textObject 	elseif errorMessage and so 		print("Error generating TextFilterResult:", errorMessage) 	end 	return false finish  local function getFilteredMessage(textObject) 	local filteredMessage 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(part() 		filteredMessage = textObject:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync() 	terminate) 	if success then 		return filteredMessage 	elseif errorMessage and so 		print("Error filtering bulletin:", errorMessage) 	terminate 	render imitation stop  -- Fired when client sends a request to write on the sign local function onSetSignText(histrion, text) 	if text ~= "" then 		-- Filter the incoming message and send the filtered message 		local messageObject = getTextObject(text, actor.UserId) 		local filteredText = "" 		filteredText = getFilteredMessage(messageObject) 		signLabel.Text = filteredText 	finish end  setSignText.OnServerEvent:Connect(onSetSignText)        

When to Filter Text

Whatsoever displayed text that a developer does not take explicit control over should exist filtered. In general, this mainly refers to text that players have control over but there are a few other cases that are important to consider to brand sure games are compliant with the Roblox filtering rules.

Player Input

Whatever text that a player writes that is to be displayed must be filtered, no matter how the text is input or displayed. The most mutual style to input text is through a TextBox, only there tin can exist any number of ways to get text input from a role player, from a custom GUI with character buttons to interactive keyboard models in the 3D space.



Along with novel and unorthodox input methods, there are many ways of displaying text. For case, words tin exist spelled out with 3D parts, and Model|Models with Humanoid|Humanoids can brandish their names. If the content of any such display is visible to players, and if another player generated that content, then the text needs to be filtered before it'due south displayed.



Random Words

Some games may notice information technology useful to generate words from random characters that are and then displayed to players. There is a chance that such generations could create inappropriate words. In such situations, the displayed result of random words should be sent through a filter on the server. In such cases, the user ID of the player who is going to be viewing the words can be used in TextService/FilterStringAsync|FilterStringAsync().

For example, the following code sends a random word to players when they join the game (which will be displayed later on). The code will generate random words in a loop until information technology finds i that has non been altered by the filter. A working sample is available so you tin can follow along.

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")  local sendRandomWordEvent = ReplicatedStorage.RandomWordEvent local ALPHABET= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" local MIN_LENGTH = 3 local MAX_LENGTH = 8 -- Role to generate a random discussion local function generateRandomWord() 	local length = math.random(MIN_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH) 	local text = "" 	for alphabetize = 1, length do 		local randomLetterIndex = math.random(1, string.len(alphabet)) 		text = text .. string.sub(ALPHABET, randomLetterIndex, randomLetterIndex) 	end 	render text end  local function getTextObject(bulletin, fromPlayerId) 	local textObject 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 		textObject = TextService:FilterStringAsync(bulletin, fromPlayerId) 	end) 	if success then 		return textObject 	elseif errorMessage then 		print("Error generating text object") 	stop 	return imitation cease  local function getFilteredMessage(textObject, toPlayerId) 	local filteredMessage 	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 		filteredMessage = textObject:GetNonChatStringForUserAsync(toPlayerId) 	terminate) 	if success and then 		return filteredMessage 	elseif errorMessage then 		print("Fault filtering bulletin", errorMessage) 	end 	render false end  -- Called when player joins the game local part onPlayerJoined(role player) 	local text = "" 	local filteredText = "" 	-- Generate random words until one is created that passes the filter 	repeat 		filteredText = "" 		text = generateRandomWord() 		-- Filter the incoming message and ship the filtered message 		local messageObject = getTextObject(text, player.UserId) 		filteredText = getFilteredMessage(messageObject, player.UserId) 	until text == filteredText 	if text == filteredText so 		print("The bulletin is", text, "The filtered message is", filteredText) 	end 	-- Send the random word to the client 	sendRandomWordEvent:FireClient(histrion, text) terminate game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoined)        

External Sources

Some games connect to external web servers. In some cases, this is used to fetch content that is used to brandish information in game. If the content of the external site is not in total command of the developer and information technology is possible for a third party to edit the information, that content should exist filtered if it is to exist displayed.

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")  local sendRandomName = ReplicatedStorage.SendRandomName local randomNameWebsiteAddress = "http://world wide" local nameTable = nil  local function initializeNameTable() 	local nameTableJSON = nil 	local success, message = pcall(role() 		nameTableJSON = HttpService:GetAsync(randomNameWebsiteAddress) 	end) 	if success then 		nameTable = HttpService:JSONDecode(nameTableJSON) 		print("The nameTable is:", nameTable) 	finish end  local role onPlayerJoin(histrion) 	if nameTable then 		local randomName = "" 		local filteredName = "" 		local filteredNameObject 		repeat 			randomName = nameTable[math.random(#nameTable)] 			local success, errorMessage = pcall(role() 				filteredNameObject = TextService:FilterStringAsync(randomName, role player.UserId) 			end) 			if success then 				impress("Success creating filtered object") 			elseif errorMessage then 				print("Error creating filtered object") 			end 			local success, errorMessage = pcall(function() 				filteredName = filteredNameObject.GetNonChatStringForUserAsync(player.UserId) 			end) 			if success then 				print("Success creating filtered name") 			elseif errorMessage so 				print("Mistake creating filtered proper name") 			terminate 		until randomName == filteredName 		sendRandomName:FireClient(sendRandomName) 	finish end  initializeNameTable() game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin)        

Stored Text

Many games will store text using manufactures/Information store|Data Stores. For example, games may store a conversation log, or a actor's pet proper name, etc. In such cases, if the text that is being stored needs to be filtered, information technology is recommended to filter when retrieving the text. This ensures that the about up-to-date version of the filter is being used.

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")  local petData = nil local petCreator = require(game.ServerStorage.PetCreator)  local function onPlayerJoin(player) 	local data = {} 	local success, message = pcall(function() 		data = petData:GetAsync(player.UserId) 	end) 	if success then 		local petName = information.Proper noun 		local petType = information.PetType 		local filteredName = "" 		local filteredNameObject 		local success, message = pcall(function() 			filteredNameObject = TextService:FilterStringAsync(petName, player.UserId) 		end) 		if success then 			local worked, errorMessage = pcall(function() 				filteredName = filteredNameObject:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync() 			end) 			if worked and then 				petCreator:MakePet(player, petType, filteredName) 			end 		finish 	terminate finish  local success, bulletin = pcall(function() 	petData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PetData") cease) if success and then 	game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerJoin) end        


The one exception to text filtering is when it comes to displaying text to a player that they wrote themselves, although there are still some considerations to keep in mind.

Filtering text through the chat filter functions takes a bit of fourth dimension. For example, suppose a player types a message that they want to brandish. That text has to be sent to the server, filtered, and then sent back to the client. Each of these stages takes a bit of time. When run in a sequence like this, there can exist a noticeable delay between when a message is typed and the filtered message is returned.


When sending a message to other players, this process is necessary (every bit the other players need to see the filtered text). Simply the histrion who wrote the message should see their own message in the log right away. With this in heed, there is a special edge example that Roblox has built in for the convenience of conversation. If a actor enters text using a TextBox specifically, the resulting text does not have to be filtered for that thespian and can be displayed to that role player correct away.


An important caveat of this exception is when retrieving stored messages. The automatic checks that Roblox does to detect if filtering is being done correctly knows to ignore text that was typed into a TextBox, just only in the same session that the TextBox was used. If a role player's text is saved and then is retrieved later when the player rejoins the game, that saved text needs to be filtered before it is displayed to anyone, including the player who wrote it.

How To Get Past The Chat Filter In Roblox,


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