
Is It Legal To Use Animal Traps In Pa

Subchapter D. FURBEARERS


141.61.    Trapping hours.
141.62.    Beaver and otter trapping.
141.63.    Definitions.
141.64.    [Reserved].
141.65.    [Reserved].
141.66.    Cablevision restraints.
141.67.    Furbearer seasons.
141.68.    Prohibited devices.
141.69.    Bogus cubbies.

§ 141.61.Trapping hours.

 Except on the opening and endmost twenty-four hours of trapping seasons, furbearing animals may exist taken by trapping any hr, day or dark, during the open season. On the opening 24-hour interval of trapping season, information technology is unlawful to ready, identify or stake out traps prior to 7 a.m. On the endmost day, traps shall be removed past sunset.


   The provisions of this §  141.61 adopted June 19, 1987, effective July one, 1987, 17 Pa.B. 2464; amended September 6, 1996, constructive September vii, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 4339. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (202792).

§ 141.62.Beaver and otter trapping.

 (a)General. At that place shall be one durable identification tag attached to each trap or snare past means of an extension wire of sufficient length so that the name tag is completely higher up the h2o or ice level and totally visible for inspection purposes. The name tag shall visibly prepare forth the owner's first and last name and legal home address, or a number issued past the Commission.

 (b)Unlawful acts. It is unlawful to:

   (1)  Place, or brand use of, materials or products except raw native wood or rock to direct the travel of beaver or otter. Homo-made materials may be used but to support traps or snares.

   (2)  Place, check, reset or tend a trap or snare on an established beaver dam or beaver house, or within fifteen anxiety of either a dam or a house. Measurement shall be from direct to a higher place the trap or snare, beyond the water, ice or land to the nearest point of the structure.

   (three)  Fix body-gripping traps larger than 10 inches in height by 12 inches in width.

   (4)  Fix, tend or operate any number of traps or snares for beaver trapping in excess of the limits established by this paragraph.

     (i)   Beaver trappers are generally limited to a combined Statewide total of 20 traps or snares, no more than than 10 of which may be traps. No more than 2 of the 10 traps may be body-gripping traps, except:

       (A)   In Wildlife Management Units where beaver pocketbook limits are forty per season, all 10 traps may exist torso-gripping traps.

       (B)   In Wildlife Direction Units where beaver bag limits are 60 per season, all twenty traps or snares may be body-gripping traps.

     (two)   Beaver trappers are express to using no more than five traps or snares, no more than two of which may be body-gripping traps, in whatever Wildlife Direction Unit with an open otter trapping season. This limitation is inclusive of any otter traps or snares set under paragraph (7). This limitation is applicable during periods when the open beaver trapping flavour overlaps by calendar date with the open otter trapping season.

   (5)  Check, set, reset or otherwise maintain a beaver or otter trap or snare, or remove a beaver or otter from a trap or snare, unless the person is identified by the fastened name tag as the owner. This paragraph does not prohibit the lending of assistance when the person whose name appears on the trap tag is present.

   (6)  Equip snares with a spring-activating mechanism or any device designed to assistance the closing of the snare loop.

   (seven)  Prepare, tend or operate any number of traps or snares for otter trapping in excess of the limits established past this paragraph. Otter trappers are limited to a combined Statewide total of five traps or snares, no more than two of which may be trunk-gripping traps. This limitation is inclusive of any beaver traps or snares set nether paragraph (4)(ii).


   The provisions of this §  141.62 amended under the Game and Wildlife Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.S. § §  2102 and 2901(b).


   The provisions of this §  141.62 adopted June 19, 1987, effective July 1, 1987, 17 Pa.B. 2464; amended July 22, 1988, constructive upon publication and applies retroactively to July ane, 1988, eighteen Pa.B. 3213; amended December 9, 1988, effective December x, 1988, eighteen Pa.B. 5495; amended May 25, 1990, effective July one, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 2752; amended August seven, 1998, constructive August 8, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 3801; amended May 18, 2001, effective May 19, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 2577; amended June 20, 2004, effective June 21, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2878; amended June 11, 2010, effective June 12, 2010, xl Pa.B. 3105; amended May 27, 2011, constructive May 28, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 2699; amended June 22, 2012, constructive June 23, 2012, 42 Pa.B. 3592; amended May 23, 2014, effective May 24, 2014, 44 Pa.B. 3100; amended May 29, 2015, constructive May 30, 2015, 45 Pa.B. 2607; amended May 1, 2020, effective May 2, 2020, fifty Pa.B. 2268; amended September three, 2021, effective September 4, 2021, 51 Pa.B. 5605. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (401536) to (401537).

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Lawmaking §  141.67 (relating to furbearer seasons).

§ 141.63.Definitions.

 In add-on to the definitions contained in the deed and this part, the following words, when used in the enforcement of section 2361 of the human activity (relating to unlawful acts concerning taking of furbearers) accept the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Artificial cubby—A baited enclosure constructed of natural or bogus fabric that is designed to house and corral a furbearer into a body-gripping trap.

Body-gripping trap—A jawed trap device designed to capture and impale a furbearer by compression of the neck or trunk through the operation of one or two rotating, spring-loaded jaws activated by a trigger.

Cable restraint—A galvanized stranded steel cablevision with a minimum diameter of 3/32 inches. The cable must be constructed of either 7 bundles comprised of seven wires per packet, seven bundles comprised of 19 wires per package or 1 bundle comprised of 19 wires. The cable may not exceed 7 feet in length from the anchor bespeak to the lock contacting the fully closed loop end, must be equipped with at least i hinge device (which allows for 360° rotation) between the loop and the ballast and must have stops affixed to the cable to ensure that the circumference of the cable which makes up the loop may not be greater than 38 inches when fully open, or less than viii inches when fully airtight. Cable restraints must be equipped with an approved lock. The lock may not be constructed with moving parts. A cable restraint must include a breakaway device affixed between the lock and cable or at the terminate of the cable that is rated at 375 pounds or less. The cablevision must exist maintained in adept condition so that all components operate properly.

Cage or box trap—An enclosure trap designed to capture and restrain a live furbearer past confinement in a cage or box through the operation and closure of a door or portal activated by a trigger.

Foot encapsulating trap—A device that has all triggering and restraining mechanisms enclosed by a housing which, once prepare, allows access to the triggering mechanism through a single opening not to exceed 2 inches in diameter or diagonally and is anchored by a swivel-mounted anchoring mechanism.

Leg-concord trap—A jawed trap device designed to capture and restrain a live furbearer past the pes through operation of one or two rotating, bound-loaded jaws activated by a trigger.

Marsh, pond or dam—A continuing trunk of h2o.

Snare—A looped galvanized or stainless stranded steel cable 3/32 inches in bore equipped with an approved lock listed in §  141.66(thou) (relating to cable restraints). A metal ferrule shall be crimped on the cablevision to foreclose the snare loop from closing to a circumference less than 7 inches.

Waterway or watercourse—A riverine organization that contains water which includes the semi-permanent flooded area.


   The provisions of this §  141.63 amended nether the Game and Wildlife Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.S. § §  322(c)(5) and 2102(a), (b)(one) and (d).


   The provisions of this §  141.63 adopted December 11, 1987, effective December 12, 1987, 17 Pa.B. 5129; amended Baronial seven, 1998, effective Baronial viii, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 3801; amended May 26, 2000, effective May 27, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 2601; amended April 15, 2005, effective April 16, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 2304; amended June xvi, 2006, constructive June 17, 2006, 36 Pa.B. 2975; amended June 29, 2007, effective June 30, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 2956; amended May 27, 2011, effective May 28, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 2699; amended May 29, 2015, effective May xxx, 2015, 45 Pa.B. 2605; amended August 30, 2019, constructive August 31, 2019, 49 Pa.B. 4951. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (387140) to (387141).

§ 141.64.[Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  141.64 adopted Nov xxx, 1990, effective December 1, 1990, twenty Pa.B. 5939; reserved June 20, 2003, constructive June 21, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2878. Immediately preceding text appears at serial folio (279262).

§ 141.65.[Reserved].


   The provisions of this §  141.65 adopted May three, 1991, effective July i, 1991, 21 Pa.B. 2009; reserved May 18, 2001, effective May 19, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 2577. Immediately preceding text appears at serial folio (267213).

§ 141.66.Cablevision restraints.

 (a)  Cable restraint devices may exist used from December 26 until the end of the established trapping season to harvest red play a joke on, grayness play a joke on and coyote. Nontarget furbearing species incidentally captured in cablevision restraint devices during an open trapping flavor for that species may exist taken and utilized, provided the trapper possesses all applicable licenses and permits.

 (b)  Cable restraint devices may only be set by furtakers who have completed a certified cable restraint training course canonical by the Director and possess a valid furtakers license, authorize for license and fee exemptions under department 2706 of the deed (relating to resident license and fee exemptions) or authorize for trapping exceptions under section 2363 of the act (relating to trapping exception for sure persons). The Director will establish a fee for the form and the fee will but exist what is necessary to cover the cost of the course. The trapper shall have a certificate from this course in possession while setting or checking sets using cablevision restraints and nowadays the certificate upon the request of whatever person whose duty information technology is to enforce this championship.

 (c)  Cable restraints must be anchored to preclude the animal caught in the restraint from moving the restraint from the point it was originally anchored.

 (d)  Cable restraints must be prepare to allow the animal defenseless in the restraint to motion freely in a 360° arc for the entire length of the restraint without the risk of the cable restraint becoming entangled by any object.

 (e)  Cable restraints must be set up so that the lesser of the restraint cable loop is no less than 6 inches or greater than 12 inches in a higher place the offset surface beneath the bottom of the cable restraint where the surface is ground, water ice, crusted or packed snow or whatsoever other hard material.

 (f)  Cable restraints volition exist considered traps for the purposes of the section 2361(a)(3), (4), (7), (8), (ten), (12) and (14)—(16) of the human action (relating to unlawful acts concerning taking of furbearers).

 (g)  The following locks are canonical:

   (ane)  Reichart 180° reverse bend washer.

Reichart 180° reverse bend washer

   (2)  Kaatz ''Relax-a-Lock.''

Laatz ''Relax-a-Lock.''

   (3)  Penny lock.

Penny lock.

   (4)  MicroLock.


   (v)  BMI Slide Free Lock.

BMI Slide Free Lock.

   (six)  Berkshire 90° bend washer.

Berkshire 90° bend washer

 (h)  It is unlawful to:

   (1)  Apply, set, tend or operate a cablevision restraint having any lock that has not been approved under this section.

   (2)  Ready any cable restraint where entanglement may occur or in any manner which could event in an beast held in the restraint being suspended.

   (iii)  Use a device commonly known every bit a drag with any cablevision restraint.

   (4)  Equip cable restraints with a bound-activating mechanism or any device designed to aid the closing of the cable loop.

   (v)  Neglect to comply with any other provisions of this section.


   The provisions of this §  141.66 issued under the Game and Wild animals Code, 34 Pa.C.Southward. § §  322(c)(5) and 2102(a), (b)(1) and (d); amended under the Game and Wildlife Code, 34 Pa.C.South. §  2102(d).


   The provisions of this §  141.66 adopted Apr 15, 2005, constructive Apr 16, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 2304; amended June 29, 2007, effective June xxx, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 2956; amended June 5, 2009, effective June half dozen, 2009, 39 Pa.B. 2800; amended June 11, 2010, constructive June 12, 2010, twoscore Pa.B. 3105; amended May 29, 2015, effective May 30, 2015, 45 Pa.B. 2605. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (372011) to (372012).

Cantankerous References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  141.63 (relating to definitions); and 58 Pa. Lawmaking §  141.67 (relating to furbearer seasons).

§ 141.67.Furbearer seasons.

 (a)Permitted devices. It is lawful to hunt or have furbearers during whatsoever furtaking season with the following devices:

   (one)  A manually operated or semiautomatic rifle or manually operated handgun that propels single-projectile ammunition.

   (2)  A manually operated or semiautomatic, centerfire shotgun or muzzleloading shotgun. The firearm must be 10 guess or less, that propels single-projectile armament or multiple-projectile shotgun ammunition not larger than # 4 buckshot. The centerfire shotgun'southward magazine chapters may non exceed ii rounds. The shotgun'due south full aggregate ammunition capacity may not exceed iii rounds.

   (3)  A muzzleloading rifle or handgun that propels single-projectile armament.

   (4)  A bow and arrow.

   (5)  A crossbow and bolt.

   (6)  A manually operated or semiautomatic air rifle or manually operated air handgun .22 caliber or larger that propels single-projectile pellet or bullet ammunition. BB armament is non authorized.

   (7)  A leg-concur trap, except as prohibited under section 2361(a)(8) of the deed (relating to unlawful acts apropos taking of furbearers).

   (8)  A body-gripping trap, except as prohibited nether section 2361(a)(11) of the human activity.

   (9)  A cablevision restraint device authorized by §  141.66 (relating to cable restraints).

   (10)  A snare, except as prohibited nether §  141.62(b) (relating to beaver and otter trapping).

   (eleven)  A muzzle or box trap, except as prohibited under section 2361(a)(17) of the human activity.

 (b)Prohibitions. While hunting furbearers during any furbearer hunting or trapping season, information technology is unlawful to:

   (one)  Employ or possess multiple-projectile shotgun ammunition larger than # 4 buckshot, except as authorized under section 2525 of the act (relating to possession of firearm for protection of cocky or others).

   (2)  Use or possess a device or ammunition not provided for in the deed or in this section, except as authorized under section 2525 of the human activity.

   (three)  Use whatever firearm, other than authorized in this paragraph, to dispatch legally trapped furbearers during the overlap with the regular or special firearms deer seasons:

     (i)   A manually operated or semiautomatic rimfire burglarize or manually operated rimfire handgun .22 caliber or less.

     (ii)   A manually operated or semiautomatic air burglarize or manually operated air handgun between .177 and .22 quotient, inclusive, that propels single-projectile pellet or bullet ammunition. BB armament is not authorized.


   The provisions of this §  141.67 issued under the Game and Wildlife Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.S. §  2102(a) and (d); amended under the Game and Wildlife Code, 34 Pa.C.Southward. §  2102(d).


   The provisions of this §  141.67 adopted December 2, 2005, effective Dec 3, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 6537; amended May 12, 2017, effective May xiii, 2017, 47 Pa.B. 2710; amended Nov 17, 2017, effective Nov 18, 2017, 47 Pa.B. 7048; amended Baronial 30, 2019, effective Baronial 31, 2019, 49 Pa.B. 4951. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (389083) to (389084).

Cross References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  141.ane (relating to special regulations areas).

§ 141.68.Prohibited devices.

 It is unlawful to take furbearers through the utilize of the following devices:

   (ane)  Fish hooks, snagging hooks or any other hooks of similar design.

   (2)  Implements that are not lawful traps, snares, cable restraints, firearms, bows or crossbows.


   The provisions of this §  141.68 issued under the Game and Wild animals Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.S. §  2102(d); amended nether the Game and Wild animals Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.S.


   The provisions of this §  141.68 adopted April one, 2011, effective April 2, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 1765; amended August 30, 2019, effective August 31, 2019, 49 Pa.B. 4951. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (389084).

§ 141.69.Artificial cubbies.

 (a)General rule. Furtakers are permitted to trap furbearers through the apply of body-gripping traps set in bogus cubbies when the following conditions are met:

   (i)  The bogus cubby is placed within an established watercourse, waterway, marsh, pond or dam.

   (ii)  The entrance to the bogus cubby does not exceed 50 square inches.

   (3)  The triggering machinery of the trap is recessed inside the artificial cubby at least vii inches from the archway.

   (4)  The bogus cubby is anchored in a mode so that it cannot be moved or rolled.

 (b)Exception. Subsection (a)(2)—(4) does not apply to body-gripping traps that are 5 1/2 inches or less and set in artificial cubbies to target mink or muskrat.


   The provisions of this §  141.69 issued nether the Game and Wild fauna Code, 34 Pa.C.S. §  2102(a) and (d).


   The provisions of this §  141.69 adopted May 27, 2011, constructive May 28, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 2699.

Appendix A. [Reserved]


   The provisions of this Appendix A amended July vii, 1989, effective July 8, 1989, nineteen Pa.B. 2956; amended August 24, 1990, effective September 24, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 4488; reserved May 3, 1991, constructive July 1, 1991, 21 Pa.B. 2009; corrected June 28, 1991, constructive July one, 1992, 21 Pa.B. 2896. Immediately preceding text appears at serial folio (153836).

Appendix B. [Reserved]


   The provisions of this Appendix B amended July vii, 1989, effective July 8, 1989, 19 Pa.B. 2956; amended August 24, 1990, constructive September 24, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 4488; amended June 9, 2000, constructive June x, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 2907; amended May 18, 2001, effective May xix, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 2577; reserved June 20, 2003, effective June 21, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2878. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (279264) to (279265).

Appendix C. [Reserved]


   The provisions of this Appendix C amended June 3, 1988, effective June four, 1988, xviii Pa.B. 2530; amended July seven, 1989, effective July viii, 1989, nineteen Pa.B. 2956; amended August 24, 1990, constructive September 24, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 4488; amended May 26, 1995, constructive May 27, 1995, 25 Pa.B. 2072; amended March 1, 1996, effective March 2, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 884; amended May 18, 2001, effective May 19, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 2577; reserved June 20, 2003, constructive June 21, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2878. Immediately preceding text appears at serial folio (279266).

Appendix D. [Reserved]


   The provisions of this Appendix D adopted November 30, 1990, constructive Dec i, 1990, 20 Pa.B. 5939; reserved June xx, 2003, effective June 21, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2878. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (279267) to (279268).

Appendix E. [Reserved]


   The provisions of this Appendix E adopted January 17, 1997, effective retroactively to January xv, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 313; reserved Baronial 11, 2001, effective August 12, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 4250. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (279269) to (279270).

Appendix F. [Reserved].


   The provisions of this Appendix F adopted May 18, 2001, effective May 19, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 2577; amended August 9, 2002, effective August 10, 2002, 32 Pa.B. 3945; amended June thirteen, 2003, effective June fourteen, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2749; reserved July sixteen, 2004, effective July 17, 2004, 34 Pa.B. 3713. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (297367) to (297368).


meridian map

HUNTING HOURS Tabular array
FOR JUNE 27, 2021, THROUGH JULY 2, 2022

Dates Brainstorm
June 27—July 3 v:07 9:03
July four—ten 5:xi nine:01
July 11—17 five:16 8:57
July 18—24 5:22 8:52
July 25—31 5:28 8:45
Aug. 1—7 5:35 8:37
Aug. 8—xiv 5:42 viii:28
Aug. 15—21 5:48 8:eighteen
Aug. 22—28 five:55 viii:08
Aug. 29—Sept. 4 half dozen:02 7:57
Sept. 5—11 vi:08 7:45
Sept. 12—eighteen 6:fifteen 7:34
Sept. 19—25 6:21 seven:22
Sept. 26—Oct. 2 six:28 vii:11
Oct. three—9 half-dozen:35 vii:00
Oct. ten—16 6:42 vi:49
Oct. 17—23 6:50 half-dozen:39
Oct. 24—xxx 6:58 6:30
Oct. 31—Nov. 6 seven:06 6:22
Nov. vii—13 **Ends half-dozen:07 5:21
Nov. 14—20 vi:22 v:xi
November. 21—27 6:29 five:07
Nov. 28—Dec. 4 six:36 five:05
December. 5—eleven 6:42 5:05
Dec. 12—18 6:47 v:08
December. 19—25 6:51 5:08
Dec. 26—Jan. 1 half dozen:52 v:14
Jan. 2—8 half-dozen:52 5:23
Jan. 9—xv half-dozen:fifty v:24
Jan. 16—22 vi:47 5:31
January. 23—29 6:46 5:39
Jan. 30—Feb. 5 vi:41 5:48
Feb. vi—12 half dozen:34 5:56
Feb. 13—nineteen 6:26 6:04
Feb. 20—26 half dozen:17 6:12
Feb. 27—March 5 six:07 half dozen:twenty
March 6—12 5:56 6:28
March thirteen—19 *Begins half dozen:45 7:35
March xx—26 half dozen:34 7:43
March 27—Apr. 2 6:23 7:50
April 3—9 six:eleven 7:57
April ten—16 six:00 viii:04
April 17—23 5:50 viii:11
April 24—30 5:40 8:24
May one—7 5:31 8:25
May 8—fourteen 5:23 8:32
May 15—21 five:15 viii:39
May 22—28 5:10 8:45
May 29—June 4 five:05 8:51
June 5—11 5:01 8:56
June 12—18 5:02 9:00
June 19—25 5:03 9:02
June 26—July 2 5:06 9:03

 *Daylight Saving Time Begins


FOR JUNE 27, 2021, THROUGH JULY ii, 2022

Dates Begin
June 27—July 3 5:07 viii:33
July 4—10 five:xi viii:31
July 11—17 v:sixteen 8:27
July 18—24 five:22 eight:22
July 25—31 5:28 8:xv
Aug. i—7 v:35 8:07
Aug. eight—xiv v:42 7:58
Aug. 15—21 5:48 vii:48
Aug. 22—28 5:55 7:38
Aug. 29—Sept. 4 6:02 7:27
Sept. 5—11 6:08 7:xv
Sept. 12—18 6:15 7:04
Sept. 19—25 6:21 6:52
Sept. 26—October. 2 six:28 6:41
Oct. three—nine 6:35 6:30
Oct. 10—sixteen 6:42 half dozen:19
Oct. 17—23 half-dozen:50 half-dozen:09
Oct. 24—30 six:58 6:00
Oct. 31—Nov. 6 seven:06 5:52
November. 7—13 **Ends half dozen:07 iv:51
Nov. fourteen—20 half dozen:22 4:41
Nov. 21—27 6:29 four:37
Nov. 28—December. four half dozen:36 4:35
December. v—11 half dozen:42 4:35
December. 12—18 half-dozen:47 iv:38
Dec. 19—25 6:51 iv:38
Dec. 26—Jan. i six:52 iv:44
Jan. 2—eight 6:52 iv:53
Jan. ix—15 6:50 four:54
Jan. 16—22 vi:47 5:01
Jan. 23—29 6:46 five:09
Jan. 30—Feb. 5 6:41 5:18
Feb. 6—12 6:34 5:26
Feb. 13—19 half dozen:26 5:34
Feb. 20—26 half dozen:17 5:42
Feb. 27—March 5 6:07 5:l
March vi—12 five:56 5:58
March 13—19 *Begins 6:45 seven:05
March twenty—26 half-dozen:34 vii:thirteen
March 27—April 2 six:23 seven:20
April 3—ix 6:eleven 7:27
April ten—xvi 6:00 7:34
April 17—23 5:50 vii:41
April 24—30 5:xl seven:54
May 1—7 5:31 vii:56
May 8—14 5:23 viii:02
May fifteen—21 5:fifteen 8:09
May 22—28 five:x eight:15
May 29—June 4 5:05 8:21
June 5—11 5:01 eight:26
June 12—18 5:02 8:30
June 19—25 5:03 8:32
June 26—July 2 five:06 viii:33

 *Daylight Saving Time Begins



   The provisions of this Appendix 1000 amended nether the Game and Wild fauna Lawmaking, 34 Pa.C.Due south.


   The provisions of this Appendix K adopted June 13, 2003, effective June 14, 2003, 33 Pa.B. 2752; amended July 16, 2004, effective July 17, 2004, 34 Pa.B. 3713; amended August 26, 2005, effective Baronial 27, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 4826; amended June thirty, 2006, effective July 1, 2006, 36 Pa.B. 3251; amended June 29, 2007, effective June thirty, 2007, 37 Pa.B. 1323; amended August 15, 2008, effective Baronial 16, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 4511; amended June five, 2009, effective June 6, 2009, 39 Pa.B. 2801; amended June xi, 2010, effective June 12, 2010, 40 Pa.B. 3103; amended May 27, 2011, constructive May 28, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 2695; amended June 22, 2012, effective July i, 2012, to June 30, 2013, 42 Pa.B. 3593; amended May 31, 2013, constructive June i, 2013, 43 Pa.B. 3006; amended May 23, 2014, effective July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, 44 Pa.B. 3101; amended May 29, 2015, effective July 1, 2015, to June xxx, 2016, 45 Pa.B. 2606; amended May 27, 2016, effective July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, 46 Pa.B. 2675; amended May 5, 2017, effective July i, 2017, to June xxx, 2018, 47 Pa.B. 2610; amended May 25, 2018, effective July 1, 2018, to June xxx, 2019, 48 Pa.B. 3089; amended May 17, 2019, constructive July i, 2019, to June 30, 2020, 49 Pa.B. 2507; amended May i, 2020, effective May 2, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 2269; amended May 21, 2021, effective May 22, 2021, 51 Pa.B. 2942. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (389086) and (401539) to (401542).

Cantankerous References

   This section cited in 58 Pa. Code §  135.106 (relating to Pymatuning Wild fauna Management Area); and 58 Pa. Code §  147.553 (relating to permit).

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