
Ten Tools For Design Thinking Pdf


Owner DesignThinkers


Owner and Strategic Design Director at DesignThinkers, a strategic design agency based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, that specializes in New Marketing and Branding, Social Innovation, Service Design and Customer-Centred Design. Chairman of the Service Design Network Netherlands. Founder of the WENOVSKI Design Thinkers Network. Founder of the Healthcare Initiative CareToDesign. Arne is guest lecturer at Management Centre Innsbruck Austria, and has given lectures at Savonia University of Applied Science in Finland, Parsons New School New York, Delft University of Technology, Rotterdam University of Applied Science, and various other international institutions.

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Founder Funky Projects


Founder & Director, Funky Projects, Spain

Asier Perez (born 1970) graduated in 1996 with an MFA from the École Régionale des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, France. Unhappy with the inefficiency of arts for social transformation, he decided to move into business after ten years of a successful career in arts. Asier Perez founded Funky Projects in 2002, after some other ventures, to stir-up innovation in organisations that aim to change themselves and their environment. Asier is a regular speaker, visiting teacher and media contributor in several European countries. He was teacher at the Fine Arts College of the University of the Basque Country from 1997 to 2001.

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Co-founder STBY


Co-founder & Creative Director, STBY, United Kindgdom & the Netherlands

Bas Raijmakers holds a PhD in Design Interactions from the Royal College of Art and runs his own design research company STBY (Standby) in London and Amsterdam with Dr. Geke van Dijk. Bas has a background in cultural studies, the internet industry, and interaction design. His main passion is to bring people into design and innovation processes, using visual storytelling in general and documentary film techniques in particular. He is the founder of the international Global Design Research Network 'Reach' and also teaches and researches at Design Academy Eindhoven.

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Service Designer


Service Designer, Funky Projects, Spain

Beatriz Belmonte is an information management and communication specialist. Her background includes History of Art, Museology, Information Management and Business Intelligence in different universities of Madrid and Barcelona. She has been involved in the design of e-learning and corporate communication projects, and since 2007 she has run her own site about communication and new technologies. Since 2008 she works at Funky Projects as web and knowledge researcher looking for new ways to turn information into knowledge to trigger transformation.

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Design Strategist


Design Strategist & Service Designer, Transformator Design, Sweden

Erik Widmark graduated 2006 as a MFA from the Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Sweden. Puzzled that everything in design school revolved around design being a handicraft (modelling, sketching etc.), Erik and three classmates explored the area of design thinking as their master project. With no one wanting to employ radical design thinkers, Erik and his colleagues had no option but to start their own business. Since 2007 Erik has been working as a design strategist and service designer at Transformator Design Group, which has pioneered in the area of service design in Sweden.

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Service Design Researcher


Service Design Researcher, Linköping University, Sweden

Fabian holds an MSc in Design and a BSc in Cognitive Science, both from Linköping University. He is currently doing his PhD, in which he focuses on user involvement in the early stages of service design projects. He has published on visualisations in service design as well as appropriations of ethnography to service design and interaction design. When not in office, he enjoys doing various sports and travelling to remote corners of the world, often to go diving there.

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Social Designer


Social Designer & Researcher, United Kingdom

At the time of writing, Fergus is a Research Assistant in the Human Centred Design Institute in the School of Engineering and Design at Brunel University in West London, UK. He is developing a public engagement exhibition with The Design Museum, London, entitled 'Ergonomics - Real Design'. A social media enthusiast, Fergus is also an Associate with FutureGov Consultancy and Destinable. When not wearing his design hat, Fergus can be found wearing his ski hat or running shoes.

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Co-founder STBY


Co-founder & Strategy Director, STBY, United Kindgdom & the Netherlands

Geke van Dijk is co-founder and Strategy Director of STBY (Standby) in London and Amsterdam. STBY is specialised in design research for service innovation, and works for clients in industry and the public sector. Geke has a background in ethnographic research, user-centred design and services marketing. She holds a PhD in Computer Sciences from the Open University in the UK. Geke is the initiator and co-founder of Service Design Network Netherlands, and publishes regularly about Service Design and Design Research.

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Visual Designer


Visual Designer, Quass von Deyen / Voss / Schneider, Germany

Jakob is partner at a design agency in Cologne. He graduated with a diploma in Communication Design, with Distinction, from the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, Germany. Being a freelance design consultant and graphic designer since 2006, he has worked with a wide range of various clients, from small cultural institutions to nationally operating trading companies. In his professional work he strives not to separate branding from information design. Jakob also spent some time at MetaDesign, Berlin. Right now he is working on digital service design tools together with Marc Stickdorn and Klaus Schwarzenberger.

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Service Designer


Interaction and Service Designer, Adaptive Path, United States of America

Jamin Hegeman is an interaction and service designer at Adaptive Path. He previously spent time at Nokia, Yum Yum Web, University of Pittsburgh, EEI Communications, and United Press International. He has a master's degree in design with a focus on interaction design from Carnegie Mellon University, and a bachelor of arts in English writing, with a concentration in poetry, from the University of Pittsburgh. Jamin has been actively engaged in promoting and supported the Service Design Network since 2008. He taught interaction design at Carnegie Mellon University, and has spoken at various international conferences.

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Service Design Researcher


Service Design Researcher, Linköping University, Sweden

After about ten years working in care for the elderly and people with dementia, I became interested in human behaviour and took a bachelors degree in cognitive science. From there I went on to a master in design, eager to apply my newly acquired knowledge about humans as social, communicative, and embodied beings situated in cultural and evolutionary contexts. During this time I also started working with user innovation and managing projects where design students collaborated with organisations and companies. My current research, as a PhD student at Linköping University, is aimed at expanding our knowledge about prototyping services.

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Communications Consultant


Communications Consultant, A Very Good Company, United Kingdom

Kate Andrews is a writer, designer and social communications consultant. She has a BA First Class Honours in Graphic Design, a Merit Award from the International Society of Typographic Designers, and is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts. On themes related to design's social impact, Kate has contributed to many design platforms, including Change Observer,, Eye Magazine and, and has lectured to design students in the UK and in Oslo. Her freelance clients include: Mencap, Visual Editions, The Affluenza Exhibition, Thinkpublic, Colalife, The New Economics Foundation and Project H Design.

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Lecturer University of Oxford


Lecturer in Operations Management, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Kate Blackmon is currently AIM ESRC Mid-Career Fellow in Services at the University of Oxford, where she is a Lecturer in Operations Management at the Said Business School and a Tutorial Fellow in Management Studies at Merton College. Trained as a Chemical Engineer, she has worked in a variety of public and private services during her career. Her current research focuses on service innovation, in sectors including health, culture, education, and the digital economy.

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Director Snook & MyPolice


Service Designer & Director, Snook and MyPolice, United Kingdom

With an enthusiasm for service design, public services and working with people, Lauren focuses on changing the lives of British people through service design and practical action. She mentors and teaches undergraduate students at universities all over Europe, running a variety of workshops and lectures on Service Design, Prototyping and Critical Thinking. As the Director of MyPolice, Lauren is working closely with the police and the public to ensure the police service is the very best it can be. In addition, Lauren is an associate of the mental wellbeing movement Mindapples, Sociability and

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Associate Said Business School


Associate Fellow, Said Business School / University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Lucy Kimbell has taught an MBA elective on design management at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, since 2005. She was principal investigator on a multidisciplinary research project on the design of services in science and technology-based enterprises involving academics from management and design; IDEO, live|work and Radarstation; and science entrepreneurs. Her main interest is establishing what is distinctive about a 'designerly' approach to service design. Lucy originally studied engineering design, later did an MA in digital arts, and is completing doctoral work in design theory.

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Research Assistant


Research Assistant, STBY, United Kindgdom

Luke Kelly graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2007, obtaining a masters degree in Politics and the Mass Media. After working as a researcher for a UK politician, he spent a year living in Shanghai whilst lecturing at Xian-Jiaotong Liverpool University, before travelling to Amsterdam to work with STBY. Now based in STBY's London office, Luke's main interests concern the effect technology exerts on culture. He's currently using the ethnographic experience gained from working within service design to write a PhD proposal examining the impact of techno-cultural media on the Japanese public sphere.

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Service Design Lecturer


Service Design Lecturer & Consultant, Management Center Innsbruck, Austria

Marc Stickdorn graduated in Strategic Management and Marketing and worked in various tourism projects throughout Europe. Since 2008 Marc is full-time staff at the MCI – Management Center Innsbruck in Austria, where he lectures service design and innovation. His research involves the development of the mobile ethnography app myServiceFellow, the Customer Journey Canvas and various publications and presentations. Marc is co-founder of Destinable, associate of DesignThinkers, guest lecturer at various international universities and occasionally speaks at conferences.

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Professor & Dean


Design Management Professor & Dean, University of Applied Sciences in Münster, Germany

Ralf Beuker holds a diploma in Business Administration from the University of Paderborn, Germany; besides his business projects he is a Professor for Design Management and Dean of the Design School at the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, Germany. Ralf's professional background is based on the areas of strategy consultancy, design management research and understanding technological innovation. Ralf teaches at all leading design management programmes in Europe, and since 1998 runs, the first blog worldwide dedicated to the field of 'Design, Management and Business Issues around design management'.

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Professor of Aesthetics


Professor of Aesthetics, University of Trento, Italy

Renato Troncon is Professor of Aesthetics and Coordinator of the Centre for Aesthetics in Practice at the University of Trento. He is author and/or editor of about fifteen books and fifty scientific articles, presenter of more than fifty lectures at scientific congresses, scientific coordinator and organizer of more than thirty scientific national and international meetings as well as member of various scientific academies and networks for anthropological philosophy, design, cultural policies. His researching/ teaching is devoted both to philosophy and to design research and practice.

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Director Snook & MyPolice


Service Designer & Director, Snook and MyPolice, United Kingdom

Sarah Drummond focuses on making social change happen by rethinking public services from a human perspective. She is leading a process of change, putting design thinking at the heart of their organisation, and building capabilities of staff to innovate from the ground up. Her work challenges the role of design within the public sector. As the winner of the first Scottish Social Innovation camp, Sarah ambitiously challenges the way governments operate and make policies through initiatives such as MyPolice. Sarah teaches at various international universities.

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Professor of Applied Design


Professor of Applied Art and Design, University of Lapland

Dr. Satu Miettinen is professor of Applied Art and Design at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland. Previously Satu worked as a co-ordinator for the Competence Center of Industrial Design at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences. For several years she has been working with service design, leading various service design projects funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and Technology, TEKES. In the past she has worked as a project manager and specialist in the areas of craft development, cultural and creative tourism in several international and European Union funded projects during the period 1997–2006.

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Professor of Interaction Design


Professor of Interaction Design, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norwayn

Simon is professor of Interaction Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. He has been teaching service design for over four years, and is about to complete a major service design research project called AT-ONE. In an earlier life he has managed a large brand and design department at a Scandinavian consultancy, has been research manager at Telenor and has had his own consultancy. He is passionately enthusiastic about the strategic role of design in organisations, and how designers add value to cross-functional development teams. When not designing, he admires the design of old sports cars, which he can't stop collecting (and repairing).

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Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor in Interaction and Service Design, Linköping University, Sweden

Stefan Holmlid is assistant professor in interaction and service design at Linköping University, with fifteen years of experience in design research in academic as well as industrial settings. He pioneered studio teaching of interaction design and service design in Sweden, and continues to teach user-driven innovation, interaction design and service design. Currently his research interests are the expressive powers of and the involvement of stakeholders through design methods and techniques in service development and service innovation.

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